Season 2 episode 8 “Tandy and Evita go to great lengths when Tyrone is put in a dangerous situation. Adina turns to a surprising source for help.”
The Good & The Bad
The Good
1. The Episode starts off from where it left off last episode with Tyrone laying in Tandy’s arms on the verge of dying, darkforce mist spewing out of him. Later we find out that Tyrone’s conscious is in the darkforce dimension in a arcade.
2. Tandy calls Evita to come and help Tyrone, Evita arrives and so does Brigid. Evita tells Tandy and Brigid they need to jump into the darkforce so they do and the pay the price to enter, Tandy goes to the arcade but Brigid goes to find Mayhem.
3. We see Papa Legba running the arcade where Tyrone is. Tandy offers him her worries instead of Tyrone’s but Papa Legba refuses so Tandy offers to play him for it, he once again declines and tells her she needs to play Tyrone’s game.
4. Brigid meets Mayhem and they go off to talk about past memories, Brigid tells Mayhem maybe she’s right, she offers her freedom from the dimension but Mayhem says she’s not something that’s kept in a box and let out when Brigid can’t do what needs to be done. Brigid offers her to wheel and they become one.
The Bad
1. Andre and Lia have both escaped the motel and are in a vehicle when Andre get’s one of the headaches he gets so he asks Lia if he can go inside her mind and listen to a vinyl but in the process he seemingly kills her because at the end of the episode we see him driving away from her body.
2. Evita sacrifices her freedom and marries Papa Legba just like her ancestors to save Tyrone from crossing over into death.
Holy Shit Moment
1. The game Tyrone is playing is the comic book origin of Cloak & Dagger, they get infected with radioactive heroin and have to fight through the levels until they get to the boss level which is Andre. There is flashes of fight scenes in both live action and pixel arcade type scenes.
2. Tyrone’s mom goes to the priest that helped Tyrone in season 1 to asks for god and she tells him that Connors gave her evidence to free Tyrone and told her where he buried Billy she then let him go to get cleaned up in the bathroom but soon as he turned the light on and saw everything in plastic.. she shot and killed him.

Really great episode, absolutely amazing arcade video game scenes transitioning back and fourth into video game and live action form. We finally saw the origin story for Cloak & Dagger ripped straight from the comics.