Welcome to our show of the year, for the second year in a show. If you missed 2019 or 2020, don’t worry we have you covered. You can read it by clicking on the respective year. The Mandalorian took the top spot for 2 years in a row but this year we never got that show, so it’s time for a new show to be crowned.
This year we decided to give our ranking list to the public. We sent out a link with a form where people could vote for their favorite top 5 shows in order. Each of the top 5 carried points.
- 10 points
- 8 points
- 6 points
- 4 points
- 2 points
Please note, our ranking ONLY goes off the shows that we at Comic Universe reviewed so if your show is not showing, it’s because we never reviewed it. We reviewed 17 shows in total across 2021 but there can only be 1 winner.
We garnered around 50 form submissions, those who left their names will be credited below. Thank you to everyone who took part.
17. Pennyworth (4 points)
Average rating – 7.7/10
This show only appeared on people’s forms twice and it was their 5th show. I think this is merely down to popularity as I don’t believe the show is as bad as this makes out, but it does have flaws and it’s not a fantastic show by any means. The idea behind the show is actually great but it’s poorly executed.
16. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (8 points)
Average rating – 4.3/10
Perhaps our bottom pick, but Legends of Tomorrow does have a fan base that adores the show. I absolutely loved Legends of Tomorrow in the first 2 seasons but the route it went down just never interested me. The over the top stupidity, stories, and character arcs don’t make sense and underutilizing the pure potential they have with the time travel aspects. I have never seen a show go this bad in my life.
15. Supergirl (10 points)
Average rating – 6.8/10
Supergirl ran its final course and has now officially ended. I am glad it did. Supergirl hasn’t been great for a long time and season 6 was no different. A lackluster villain with a very poorly put-together story. I was surprised Supergirl even got 10 points from votes, I really expected this to end on 0 due to how low the ratings were.
14. Black Lightning (12 points)
Average rating – 7.7/10
Another show that was canceled with their respective current season. To be fair, it was only a matter of time. Black Lightning never had an amazing run. Ratings were never high compared to other Arrowverse shows. Despite having a fantastic cast, it just never really paid off and season 4 was no different.
13. Doom Patrol (22 points)
Average rating – 9.8/10
The best wackiest show there is. Our writer, Adam Grunther’s all-time favorite show lives high in the memory of its fan base but unfortunately didn’t live high enough to the fans compared to other shows this season. A 9.8/10 on average showcases how great of a show this is and if I’m being honest, it doesn’t deserve to be this far down the list.
12. The Flash (26 points)
Average rating – 8.3/10
The Flash really has me in a love-hate relationship right now. Despite having some great moments in 2021 including Godspeed, Reverse-Flash, and more, it has just failed to deliver on so many different occasions. The show feels now like it has become a soap opera, which is a shame considering the first 2 or 3 seasons of The Flash were highly popular. It’s clear to see how far down the show has become.
11. Batwoman (40 points)
Average rating – 8.2/10
Batwoman began the year very poorly. I think the show was still reeling from the effects of Ruby Rose’s exit which left the showrunners in disarray struggling on how to progress the story. I will give them props, it has taken time but they are surely getting there. Especially in season 3 now they’ve managed to actually focus on Ryan Wilder and not Kate Kane.
10. The Bad Batch (52 points)
Average rating – 9.4/10
This isn’t a show I got around to viewing myself but I know speaking to people about it, it seems to be a fantastic show. Star Wars does often rule the game when it comes to their animations and this one is no different. It was renewed for a second season very quickly after the first one ended.
9. Stargirl (56 points)
Average rating – 8.7/10
Stargirl had a fantastic season 2 as did the first. It’s a show that is extremely underrated and deserves more popularity than it currently gets. The second season took a dark and twisted turn which I think was a risk by the showrunners but it definitely paid off. It’s safe to say if it continues this direction then we cannot wait for the already announced season 3.
8. Invincible (78 points)
Average rating – 9.4/10
A show that is literally adored by so many people. Unfortunately, this is again, another show that I never watched but I really should. Every one of my friends and family absolutely loved the show. This is one of the shows that I have on my to-watch list soon, and judging by people’s reactions this does seem like a very popular show.
7. Titans (92 points)
Average rating – 9.2/10
This is a show that people just love to hate, yet for me, it’s one of my all-time favorite shows due to the sheer darkness of it. It adds a completely different perspective on the Titans we’re generally used to seeing, more so in the animated show. Season 3 introduced so much, despite having the odd flaw here, and then it was still a fantastic season.
6. What If…? (96 points)
Average rating – 9.3/10
What If…? took a different spin on what we’re usually used to. It’s something I think Star Wars could definitely benefit from. Each episode in the season had an alternative version. Something so small could alter the reality that we know. What I thoroughly enjoyed about this, is the fact that despite each episode is different, it actually all came together in the end. Even swinging its way into live-action.
5. Superman & Lois (116 points)
Average rating – 9.6/10
Superman & Lois was a masterpiece for its opening season. Even here at Comic Universe, we’re mesmerized as to how The CW could actually pull off this show in the way that they did, more so considering a lot of the Arrowverse is harshly shallow at the moment. We cannot stress enough just how incredible the opening season was, truly amazing.
4. WandaVision (122 points)
Average rating – 9.9/10
The MCU’s first venture into the TV sides of things exclusively on Disney+. The show added elements we would usually never see in any other superhero/comic book show, and I don’t think we ever will again. WandaVision was definitely unique in the way it went. We know the show had flaws in the way our hero, Scarlet Witch was portrayed but I think it added that unique aspect that just because someone is good, heartbreak can truly break a person.
3. Loki (178 points)
Average rating – 9.3/10
For me, Loki was a nearly perfect show. It only really let me down in the finale as it didn’t add a lot but it did add quite a bit to the future of the MCU. It was great to see Tom Hiddleston back as Loki, plus us getting to experience the TVA and other variants, more so the other Loki variants. The scene where one of the Loki variants creates Asgard using pure projection magic. That’s a scene that will still live with me as it was so memorable.
2. Hawkeye (180 points)
Average rating – 9.6/10
I’ll be brutally honest, I was NOT expecting Hawkeye to end this high up on the list. I seriously loved the Hawkeye series but I did see a fair few amounts of complaints about it. Hawkeye ended up on the majority of lists that were voted in by the voters. As of now though we’re unsure of a season 2 but Hailee Steinfeld definitely deserves her place in the future of the MCU.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Average rating – 9.9/10
It comes as no surprise The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was the most popular TV show of 2021. I myself didn’t come across many people who thought the show was poor. What makes this even more impressive, out of all of the responses we get on the form, there was only a handful that actually didn’t have this show in their top 5. Thoroughly deserved and a show that deserves all the praise in the world.

Comic Universe’s show of the year:
Superman & Lois
This was our top pick at Comic Universe. All of our writers submitted their top 5 and Superman & Lois was #1 on 3 submissions. It was the best iteration of Superman I personally have ever seen. The CW did very well with this show and we can’t express how excited we are for season 2.
A huge thank you to the people that left their names when voting:
Phil Weaver |
Rebecca Lewandowski |
Daniel Lewandowski |
Jordan Prendergast |
Billy Hanshaw |
Robbie Smith |
Silver |
Marie Souter |
Jeanette Wilson |
Michael Cavanagh |
Ryan Williams |
Christine Stoker |
John Goodman |
Kevin Stoker |
Franck Cabioch |
Jordan Lightley |
Brendan |
Jade Mather |