Welcome to our show of the year, for the fourth year in a row. If you missed 2019, 2020, 2021, or 2022 don’t worry we have you covered. You can read it by clicking on the respective year. The Mandalorian took the top spot for 2 years in a row but this year we never got that show, so it’s time for a new show to be crowned.
We gave the vote to the public. We sent out a link with a form where people could vote for their favorite top 5 shows in order. Each of the top 5 carried points.
- 10 points
- 8 points
- 6 points
- 4 points
- 2 points
Please note, our ranking ONLY goes off the shows that we at Only Comic Universe reviewed so if your show is not showing, it’s because we never reviewed it. We reviewed 11 shows in total across 2023 but there can only be 1 winner.
We garnered around 60 form submissions, those who left their names will be credited below. Thank you to everyone who took part.
11. Doom Patrol (74 points)

Average rating – 9.9/10
Doom Patrol was reviewed by our writer, Adam Grunther who loved the show and often advocated a lot for the show. The issue we have with Doom Patrol is the marketing side. It’s not a well-known show for casual fans compared to what a Disney+ show is and this is why we often find these types of shows quite far down the list. Personally, I couldn’t get away with the show as it wasn’t for me but I respect those who stuck by it across 4 seasons.
10. The Flash (78 points)

Average rating – 7.4/10
The end of The Flash didn’t quite live up to the heights from the first few seasons although we all expected it to be an explosive series finale. We averaged out at 7.4 and it appears our public thought the same considering The Flash is 10th on this list. I do miss the golden days when it comes to the Arrowverse. Despite how poor this show ended up becoming, the beginning will never be forgotten.
9. Superman & Lois (88 points)

Average rating – 8.1/10
Unfortunately, Superman and Lois fell off during season 3 despite a fantastic opening 2 seasons. We raved about this great this show was but in classic CW fashion, the show just drops off and can never quite live up to those previous highs. Superman and Lois is scheduled to finish after season 4 with rumored budget cuts and a shorter season, because of this, I am not looking forward to it in the slightest should those rumors be true.
8. Titans (104 points)

Average rating – 8.4/10
Titans had a fantastic fourth and final season. Although the show did get hate throughout the show airing, I did start to see people talk positively about it, although too late. I loved the final season, what let it down for me though was the simple “2-part” season for it. I did wish James Gunn kept it going but apparently, the cancelation was in effect before he joined DC.
7. The Bad Batch (110 points)

Average rating – 9.6/10
The Bad Batch absolutely smashed it with their season. They truly sent you through a rollercoaster of emotions within this season. The Bad Batch’s season was action-packed, and more. It really got you invested more in the expanded galaxy of Star Wars.
6. Invincible (112 points)

Average rating – 9.3/10 (season 2 still ongoing)
Invincible is absolutely great, I do not believe for a second that it has stepped a foot wrong within both of the seasons the show has had yet. I can’t wait for the show to return in January. The show and this season more so than ever, shows fans the true growth and emotions of Mark.
5. Secret Invasion (152 points)

Average rating – 9.5/10
Honestly, I know people had their issues with this season but I loved it. I loved the spy-craft feel to it, I loved how similar it felt to Agents of SHIELD and it was honestly so good to see Fury and the Skrulls return. Plus, the season was great with shock value, I mean killing off a major character like Hill?
4. Gen V (182 points)

Average rating – 8.9/10
Gen V came out swinging. I went into this not knowing what to expect given how wild and crazy The Boys is. This was the first spin-off for that show so to see how wild young supes were in this first season was insane. I need more. I like how positive this show has been received as well.
3. Ahsoka (240 points)

Average rating – 9.3/10
Ahsoka was a fantastic show and I am so glad I was alive to see it happen. It’s not even just how good Ahsoka was, it’s the fact we got Clone Wars Anakin in live-action! I never thought I’d see Hayden Christensen again and then we got him in Kenobi and now this. It’s just a damn good time to be a Star Wars fan that’s for sure.
2. Loki (316 points)

Average rating – 8.5/10
I wasn’t surprised that Loki was in the running and it was very damn close. Average episode to episode was 8.5 which is still great but when I look back on the season as a whole, it deserved a much higher rating. This show was phenomenal and I wish we could get a third season just so we can see Loki and Thor together one last time. The fact this show only lost by 6 points is a feat in itself.
The Mandalorian (322 points)
Average rating – 9.8/10
I’ll be honest, I was surprised to see The Mandalorian take the W. This show won our Show of the Year for 2 years in a row in 2019 and 2020. It now takes it in 2023 so it means each time The Mandalorian has a season out, it wins. During the votes, I kept track of each submission and updated the leaderboard accordingly, Loki was in a very healthy lead for the first 30 submissions or so and this show took it. A great season as well for Mando.
Only Comic Universe’s show of the year
Thank you to those who voted. We left a choice on the vote for people to leave their names, thank you to those especially; (these are input exactly how they were entered on the form)
- Rebecca Lewandowski
- Christine
- Matt
- Marie Souter
- Dominic Middleton
- Adam Grunther
- Owen Bruford
- Cal
- Alex
- Jordan
- Liam McNally
- Scott
- Ryan Williams
- Jeanette W
- Beth
- Callum
- Ali
- Jordan Fletcher

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