Instead of basing this on our own opinion, we decided to ask 20 people what their top 5 was out of a possible 8 movies. 1st gained 5 points, 2nd gained 4, and so on. The choices were as follows;
Captain Marvel – Shazam! – Avengers: Endgame – Spider-Man: Far From Home – Joker – Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
These are the most comic book movies, that us at Comic Universe reviewed on the site and felt like the best nominations. We rank them from 5th, all the way to 1st. Before we kick-start, Shazam! did finish 6th with a disappointing 27 points. Dark Pheonix, and Hellboy were initially included, but nobody ranked them on their lists, leaving them both with a measly 0 points.
5th. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – 32 points
Only ranked 1st on one response. Rise of Skywalker is a worthy contender, not only on this list, but the entire movie list. It closed the doors on a massive 42 year story. After the huge disappointment that was The Last Jedi, J.J. Abrams managed to turn the movie around into a huge success. I can only imagine it would have ranked higher, had it not came out a couple of weeks ago. Still, a worthy contender considering other movies that came out this year.
4th. Captain Marvel – 38 points
Ranked twice on two responses. Surprising to say the least, however Captain Marvel was a monumental success at the Box Office this year. Easily reaching over $1b, and becoming an inspirational hero to women all around the world. The movie came out shortly before Endgame, and was the final movie before that, so it was always destined to do well. Despite a lot of hatred for Brie Larson, I think she delivered an exceptional performance, and that needs to be recognised.
3rd. Spider-Man: Far From Home – 46 points
Ranked twice on three responses, and a massive number of the third spot. Far From Home was the movie that finally wrapped up the Infinity Saga. Tom Holland nails the role, as always. However, this was about Peter eventually coming out from Tony Stark’s shadow. Jake Gyllenhaal gave us an incredible live action Mysterio, and the plot made sense, albet a few such as EDITH, but never mind. More importantly, this was one of our choices to be up there as contenders of Movie of the Year, and definitely Oscar worthy.
2nd. Joker – 59 points
Ranked first on one response, and second on numerous others. Joker was different, edgy, intense, and everything nobody expected it to be. Joaquin Pheonix delivered a job that was on par, if not better than the late Heath Ledger’s performance. It captured the brutality that is the Joker, and it did it so well. A few people claimed Joker would be Oscar worthy from the very beginning, and a lot of people laughed it off, but boy did it deliver. It was the movie nobody wanted, but the movie everybody needed. Exceptional.
1st. Avengers: Endgame – 95 points
Pretty much ranked number one on everyone’s list besides two. A massive 95 points fully shows why Endgame deserves the number 1 spot. Not just in comic book movie ranks, but in general. Endgame hit number 1 in the Box Office grossing worldwide of all time, and a feat that is truly deserved. It delivered in spectacular fashion that hit every emotion a human can feel. I cried, laughed, I felt uneasy, I smiled, I felt sad, hyped, I could go on, but Endgame was exceptional. It was perfect. Even none comic book fans went to the cinema to see a movie 10 years in the making, happen.
There you have it. Ranks of 2019, what’s your top 5? Let us know down in the comments what you think.
*A huge thank you to responses; Daniel Lewandowski, Phil Weaver, Petty Wyatt, Rebecca Lewandowski, Jordan Prendergast, “Silver Sable”, Alex Lewandowski, John Lewandowski, Nathan Hanshaw, Jason O’Neil, “Dreamz”, Shane, “Suitt”, “Jag”, “Stringer”, Jeanette Wilson, Jade Mather, Jordan Taylor, Kevin Whitaker.*