Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all of the shows that are usually launched in October are to be delayed until January 2021.
This included The Flash, Batwoman, and Black Lightning. We’re still unsure of Stargirl, Legends of Tomorrow, and Supergirl at this time.
This is of course, if the pandemic doesn’t cause any extra disruption to filming, and going ahead with the shows.
Melissa Benoist is currently pregnant, so we’re still awaiting further news on when her show will be released.
Legends of tomorrow is always a later release than the standard October releases, so currently, at this time we don’t have a date for that.
They do expect the shows will be back on track for their usual October releases from 2021/2022, meaning shorter mid-season breaks for all the shows involved.
This move does make sense, considering the mass disruption the pandemic has caused the entire world.
Stargirl is set to launch next week, so currently we’re unsure how the show will fit in line with the rest of the shows.
Superman and Lois is set to launch in January 2021 as we already reported, so this will lineup with most of the shows in the Arrowverse. More importantly due to the fact, the crossover for those seasons will be between Superman & Lois, plus Batwoman, and will only be a 2-hour event.
With the 2-hour crossover, it’s rumored to include other Arrowverse heroes but the actual crossover is just set in the Batwoman and Superman and Lois shows.
I’m not disappointed by that, especially after how huge last years crossover event was. To be honest, I think the last 3 years have been huge so it does make more sense to calm it down a bit for the next seasons.
Here’s what day each weekly show will air for next season so far;
Black Lightning
The Flash
Superman & Lois
Of course, the schedule will look filled even more once we get word on the other shows as well.