The moment Disney+ launched, we knew straight away it would be coming to the UK around March 2020. We have had an official date of March, 31st 2020 for some time now.
Disney+ has been quick getting the launch out, considering the app only launched in the United States on November 12th, 2019. Usually apps are quite slow to launch in other countries but they get there eventually. WWE is a prime example with their network.
So what about the DC Universe? It was launched 15th September, 2018. TITANS was launched with it and became the most pirated show of 2018. The second season of that, and Doom Patrol remain some of the highest pirated shows ever.
It doesn’t make much sense. DC is losing a lot of money with their service because they’re operating outside of major key countries. They launch TITANS on Netflix usually months after the season ends for fans in the UK, but most of the time it’s already been heavily pirated.
What’s the news standpoint right now? Well, surprisingly there is none. Multiple sources claimed that the app could very well collapse. It’s not been doing great, whereas Disney+ has done some incredible numbers since its launch 2 months ago.
It’s been 15 months since DC Universe launched, with no news on it. I’m unsure if license issues are stopping the service from being streamed in other countries, but you’d think they would let the overseas fans know when it’s coming, if it’s coming, or if they’re working on it.
If you search Google if the DC Universe streaming app is due in the UK, or any other country, you will find no news at all. Their website states it’s only available in the USA, and they will let you know when other regions become available.
I find it confusing that after so long, they’re still nowhere to be found outside the USA.