Every so often, actors start to the campaign to become a certain superhero whether that be in DC Comics, Marvel, or Indie companies. The actors put all their passion into campaigning.
While some actors truly have a passion for the characters they are wanting to play, some just want to be in it because “superheroes” are the main thing to attract big numbers at the box office.
However, you get the actors who truly know and are passionate about the superhero/villain they want to play. This is what Jermaine Rivers is doing. From recent weeks I’ve seen him read back issues to study, get to truly know the character he wants to play.
Jermaine wants to play John Stewart in a Green Lantern project in the future and I’m all for it. I love when actors campaign to become a hero, it makes the show or movie mean a lot more.
Jermaine has also had previous experience playing a superhero as he played the mutant with crystallized skin, Shatter on The Gifted in which when he had a scene, he always stole the show with his passion.

We reached out to Jermaine to see if he would answer a few questions about his love for the character and his will (pun intended) to be this iconic character.
What would it mean for you to become this iconic character in John Stewart?
“To step into the role of John Stewart would definitely be a dream come true. We have so many similarities it’s crazy for example military service… I’m also a prior military (U.S. Army) combat veteran. There would be no problem connecting with John Stewart whatsoever!!”
Have you always been a fan of the character?
“I’ve been reading comics for a very long time and he’s always been one of my favorite characters. In the comics, John is one of those guys that possess qualities that make him stand out. He is a born leader and is cognizant of his role as a hero. When he first took on the mantle as Green Lantern, he refused to wear a mask stating “No mask for me, this brother lets it all hang out.” This line says everything about his mindset. He understands that if he hid behind a mask, he would shield himself from scrutiny but was willing to be held accountable by the people he chose to protect, and that speaks volumes.”
What do you think makes John standout from other Green Lanterns?
“While Hal Jordan is noted as being one of the best Green Lantern’s to wear the ring, he’s also impulsive and even reckless at times, John is more disciplined and strategic in his approach to dangerous situations. Before taking on the mantle of a Green Lantern he was a marine and was already a super disciplined and lived by a code of honor. Aside from being a capable military leader, he’s humble, selfless and won’t hesitate to risk his life to save others.
Would you prefer to be part of the DCEU with the likes of Superman etc or would you want a HBO Max show?
I wouldn’t mind being part of the DCEU but honestly, I would prefer doing a Green Lantern Corps series on HBO Max. My reasoning for that is because there’s more time to fully develop the character and explore storylines from the comics that fans will identify with. Sometimes in the film, there’s not enough time to do these things because you only have 190 minutes to tell a story.
We want to give a big thanks for Jermaine answering these questions and we hope he becomes John Stewart. We fully believe Jermaine is the strongest candidate for the role of John Stewart. I’ve seen a scene that he put together for the role of John Stewart and he pretty much nailed the expression, the heart, and soul that John has in the comics.
We at Comic Universe will support and will continue to campaign for Jermaine to be cast as John Stewart.
Jermaine is represented by Play Management, McClean Williams Ltd and Avery Sisters Entertainment.