Today, I sat down with one of my friends, Zoé, and decided to ask her a bunch of questions.
She’s not interested whatsoever in anything to do with Marvel, DC, Star Wars, or anything. We wanted to find out about specific perceptions and why she’s not a fan of any of it.
Even with superhero material pretty much mainstream, it’s not often you find someone who doesn’t care for absolutely any of it.
1. So, let’s start. Are you a fan of anything at all? Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Transformers, Power Rangers etc?
Nope. Not even a little bit.
2. Have you watched any of the above?
I’ve seen Deadpool, but other than that no. My Dad tried to get me to watch Star Wars as a child but it’s just not something that ever interested me.
3. That’s fair, is there anything, in particular, that doesn’t interest you in comic material?
Guess I always had a view of it being nerdy in a sort of way, maybe because of the actual ‘comic’ side of it? And I’m not really a dedicated movie watcher either in the way that those films seem to need their viewers to be to follow the stories of their characters.
4. Obviously the Marvel Cinematic Universe is massive, would there be anything to make you watch it from the very first movie?
Having a lot of spare time I suppose and also say if a new film was released for example that really caught my eye for a certain actor in it or something, if I then watched it and enjoyed it I would potentially go and start them from the beginning to see what the hype is.
5. Great stuff. Can you name 3 superheroes from any franchise?
Spider-Man, Iron Man, Shazam.
6. Shazam is quite an unknown hero to the non-fans, even in some casuals. How do you know of the character? Is it because of the movie that was released in 2019?
Yeah, when it was released my ex sister in law is/was a big Marvel/DC fan so it’s all she went on about for weeks.
7. With comic material being mainstream, even for a lot of actors pushing for roles in these types of movies and shows. In a sense do you feel left out when something is released? For example when Endgame was released last year
No, I can’t say I do, it’s just never something that interested me personally but I get why other people enjoy it so much and why it is so popular – enough to make it ‘mainstream’.
8. Endgame smashed records everywhere, including the highest-grossing box office ever. When the hype was at the highest point, did it intrigue you in any way?
Erm, that’s a tough one because on one hand I wasn’t ever interested in watching it because I knew it wouldn’t be something I’d enjoy or even get but then because it was so popular and a lot of people were talking about it I did think maybe it is good and I should give it a watch. I didn’t watch it but I wouldn’t say it intrigued me, more just a curiosity of what was so big about it.
9. You mentioned earlier your Dad tried to get you to watch Star Wars when you were a child. Did you watch any of them or were you just not interested whatsoever from the first few minutes?
Never watched more than ten minutes of them – really never interested me in the slightest.
10. What did you think about Deadpool when you watched it?
Deadpool I did laugh at parts but in the same breath I just didn’t really understand what he was in a sense of hero/bad guy didn’t make sense to me so never watched any of the others. Only the first one.
11. Do you think if you really sat down and tried to watch through a series such as the MCU, you could potentially become a fan?
Never say never. If I could actually get into them long enough to watch the full films then maybe I could yeah.
12. If you had to name 3 of your all-time favourite actors, who would you choose?
Oooh I’d have to say Kristen bell, Jennifer Anniston and Leonardo DiCaprio.
13. With the amount of actors moving over into superhero roles. If any of those 3 did would you watch it? Even if it was a Star Wars movie?
Yeah probably.
14. Do you have a perception of super fans that love this type of stuff as nerds, geeks or whatever in a negative way?
Sort of. Not in a nasty kind of way but I do instantly make the connection of if they’re big marvel dc etc fans they probably aren’t gonna be my kind of people because they probably are a bit nerdy.
15. Thank you, and finally. From what you have heard, who do you think is on top; Marvel or DC?
Zoé did go on to say that she doesn’t dislike or hate those that do like this sort of stuff. After all, she is the Godmother to my son. She mentioned it’s just a pre-judgement you have. As we all do.
A big thank you to Zoé for answering all of my questions. You can go and follow her on social media;

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