I’ll be brutally honest, when I first found out Iman Vellani was cast as Ms Marvel, I was a bit thrown off. We tried to do some research to see what work Iman had done, and we came up short.
Of course, this was a good thing that Disney was turning to more unknown actors, and I was curious to finally see some footage.
I’ll also be honest, the little bits of footage we got…Iman is absolutely PERFECT for Ms Marvel. She has the mannerisms, the look, the attitude and now my hopes for the show have just skyrocketed, as has my excitement.
Ms Marvel’s popularity has risen substantially over the last few years, even more so thanks to the Marvel’s Avengers video game released in September 2020.
We’re unsure of a release date, but this is definitely high on my list in terms of excitement.
Here’s the footage that was shown to us;
What are your thoughts on the character? Let me know down in the comments below.