The Flash is an incredible show, in my opinion, it had a great couple of seasons and I will admit, the seasons did drop without a formidable enemy for Barry Allen, however, I did still somewhat enjoy it. While many others would lose interest, make fun of the writing, and mock the CGI and VFX of the series.
I really enjoyed season 7 of The Flash, although, I will admit that the “Forces” were not the best enemies and were eventually underused and ruined for what they were. I absolutely loved Godspeed, his story was absolutely amazing, the actor played him incredibly well, and let’s not forget SEASON 7 INTRODUCED BART ALLEN.
But what would I personally like to see in season 8 of The Flash? Well, let me tell you.

Incredible Action
You may think, well, the upcoming season will have action in it, and yes it will but in season 7, we got to see Barry explore his “reasonable” side of his humanity. Where he would speak to villains and get them to stand down and stop fighting, and while it was great to see this side, this upcoming season I want to see Barry go all out on the action, speed fighting, hand-to-hand combat, and more.
The Central City Citizen
I absolutely love Iris in the show, she’s badass, fierce, trustworthy, and kind all in one, she’s not afraid to jump into the action whether that be taken down a villain or a bad guy. She’s not afraid to jump in and save Barry if he’s in trouble, and will do everything she can at Star Labs. This upcoming season I’d like to see Iris take a backseat to help Barry and to focus on The Central City Citizen. I want to see her fully expand her company, her legacy, and shape it into what it is in the future.
No Useless Side Characters
No useless side characters like Chillblaine, even though it’s somewhat confirmed that he will return next season, Chillblaine and characters like him do absolutely nothing for the season. They end up becoming an annoyance to the viewers like myself, it’s not needed. In the Flash series, there is plenty of characters that are more interesting to the season, unlike someone who just takes his shirt off in front of Killer Frost.
Barry using more of his intelligence
We got to see Barry use his intelligence throughout season 7 of The Flash often using it to help out the situation and other times using it to cause harm to people. I would like to see more of him using his intelligence to help out the situation that it’s needed for. I would like to see him begin to create Gideon this upcoming season as well.
A decent solo villain
While the season where half of it is one villain and the second half of the season is another is often interesting, it can often at times lead the story to be over quickly, like Godspeed. His story was fantastic yet it was only in the second half of the season which sucked. I want season 8 after the 5 episode event to focus on one main villain like Red Death or someone like that.
These are the 5 things that I would want to see in Season 8, The Flash crew, as well as Supergirl, Batwoman, Ryan Choi, and a few other actors, are back on set currently working on the 5 episode crossover event and from behind the scenes photos, this event looks absolutely great so I can not wait to see that in the season 8 premiere.
Photo: The Flash.