Gen VReviewsShows

Gen V “Jumanji” Review

Season 1 Episode 6 – “The Godolkin University School of Crimefighting is excited to announce its newest course offering: THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SUPERVILLAINS! By studying the most well-known example of a supervillain, Soldier Boy, the course will investigate what makes a superhero go bad, from their flawed origin story, to the vices and moral compromises that lead them astray! Space is limited! Sign up today!

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. The fallout from the reveal that Kate has been using her powers on the group is in full effect. People are not happy with Kate and it’s understandable. People are writing her off because of it with the exception of Marie who thinks it’s the school that messes people over.

2. Kate passes out, the group helps her to a sofa and Kate wakes up but instantly disappears. The wall begins to open and the group walks through the hole in the wall and enters a forest where we see the group actually go into Kate’s memory.

3. Kate’s “imaginary friend” comes and sees the group. It’s none other than the returning Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy. He arrives and tells the group about a messed-up memory that he taught Kate. I won’t explain it but I’ll just say it’s the pleasure kind. Soldier Boy tells the group that the lightning that they see is blood vessels bursting. If Kate becomes a “vegetable” as he describes, so does the group. While he goes on to explain how to get out, he’s struck by lightning killing him.

4. While exploring some of Kate’s memories, they see a lot of awful stuff, like her having to take drugs every day and then they end up in class. They see Luke who acts like the group isn’t there and then expose Andre for sleeping with Kate multiple times while Luke was still alive. They then get attacked by Luke and he kills a tag-a-long who came with them into kate’s mind.


5. So while exploring Kate’s mind and memories. They see everything about the group that describes them. First with Andre and Kate’s affair, Jordan and how he became Brink’s TA. This is more so helping the characters grow and develop.

6. Emma brings Sam back to the group when they have just woken up. Sam recognizes her and immediately attacks Kate. Emma manages to calm him down and not kill her. Marie tells Kate that she will need to work very hard to regain the trust of the group, starting with the Forest.

What I Disliked

Nothing to report.

Favorite Moment

My favorite moment would be when the people inside Kate’s mind and the same people who were torturing Sam tell Kate to make them forget like she has been doing to Luke all along. They run to a door which Marie recognizes and they enter the bathroom where her sister is with her dead parents. Within the memory for Marie, her sister tells her that she’ll always be a murderer to her. You can see the emotion and pain in Marie’s eyes in this scene.

Standout Character

It’s hard to choose a standout in this episode as everyone had their own scene or two within the episode. I’ll have to give this to Kate. Showing her backstory and seeing the emotional pain she went through was insane.


Overall quite a trippy ride throughout this episode. Seeing the emotional pain and torment that Kate had to go through as a child and young adult was quite intense. The group’s secrets also got exposed in this episode which ultimately will make them better supes. Seeing the return of Jensen Ackles is always nice!


Rating: 9/10

The Review

Story - 10
Action - 6
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 10



Overall quite a trippy ride throughout this episode. Seeing the emotional pain and torment that Kate had to go through as a child and young adult was quite intense. The group's secrets also got exposed in this episode which ultimately will make them better supes. Seeing the return of Jensen Ackles is always nice!

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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