Season 1 Episode 3 “After escaping a new threat, Clint and Kate join forces against an expanding criminal conspiracy.”
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What I Liked?
1. We get a backstory on the “Maya” Character, about her deafness and disabilities when she was a kid, having to switch between the worlds where she uses sign language, as well as normal speech. We then fast-forward to sometime during the 5-year gap where Clint was Ronin, and she sees him kill her father. I like that it dived straight into this and gave viewers the information on this character.
2. Clint manages to break free from his restraints which allows him to begin to run from the Tracksuit Mafia but get into a fight with Maya, who absolutely rocks Clint with a kick to the head which knocks out his hearing aid. Clint fires an arrow which frees Kate, and he goes back to taking down the Tracksuit Mafia while Kate fights one alone.
3. I do like how when Clint was struggling to hear who was on the phone with him, that Kate knew he needed help hearing so she was writing down what Clint’s kid was saying. The partnership between these two is fantastic, especially for them just meeting basically 2 days ago.
4. The character of “Maya” is intriguing, to say the least. Her story is absolutely interesting, from her childhood to seeing Ronin in the 5-year gap in Endgame essentially creating a future problem not only for him but essentially for Kate as well. I can not wait to see more of this character and her backstory.
What I Disliked?
I get that they’ve just met and Clint is used to keeping secrets, but not officially telling Kate that he was in fact Ronin is kind of annoying. I know Kate has somewhat of a feeling about it, but I just find it odd that he isn’t telling her at all yet. I think this might lead to an argument between the two.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would definitely be the car chase scene, everything about this scene was amazing. The camerawork, the action, the funny moments, the music, it was just amazing. Hands down one of my favorite scenes. Especially with the trick arrows. The duo trick shot between Kate and Clint was amazing, using the Pym tech arrow was incredible.
Standout Character
The standout character I would have to say would be, Clint. That action sequence inside the Tracksuit Mafia hideout was actually really fun to see.
The Verdict
A true fun ride of an episode. The action sequences were amazing, the acting and story were both superb. The growing partnership between Clint and Kate is absolutely fantastic to see. I love the teases of “someone at the top” and the tease of him in the flashback scene. Overall a really solid episode.
Rating: 9.4/10
Photo: Hawkeye Season 1 Episode 3.
The Review
Story - 8
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 10
A true fun ride of an episode. The action sequences were amazing, the acting and story were both superb. The growing partnership between Clint and Kate is absolutely fantastic to see. I love the teases of "someone at the top" and the tease of him in the flashback scene. Overall a really solid episode.