Season 1 Episode 4 “Secrets are revealed and hard truths emerge, culminating in a battle against two opposing forces.”
This review will contain spoilers!!!
What I Liked?
1. the sit-down between Clint, Kate, and her parents about Kate helping Clint with a case was hilariously funny. The way it was acted was great, the banter between Clint and Kate was so funny. It ended with a powerful conversation between Clint and Kates’s mother about keeping Kate safe.
2. I do like how Kate decided to get Clint into the “Christmas” spirit, all while coming up with a plan to save Kate and takedown the Tracksuit Mafia. You can truly feel that Kate cares for Clint as well as feeling bad that he’s missing his family’s Christmas.
3. Clint was being all serious with his “entry plan” to go retrieve the Rolex from an apartment while Kate just disappears and walks over to the building, helps an old man carry his bags, and breaks into the apartment. Clint tells Kate to leave the apartment because it’s Maya’s apartment while Clint is fighting someone on the roof. A “ninja” fights Kate, Clint, and Maya, Kate ends the fight when she uses a “sonic” arrow to disrupt everyone.
4. The Ninja is revealed to be Yelena. Who shocks Clint with a widow’s bite before making her escape. Clint tells Kate that she isn’t and never was his partner, he says that someone has hired a “Black Widow assassin” and it’s got very real, he tells her to go home. What an ending to the episode.
What I Disliked?
Nothing to report.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would have to be the powerful scene where Clint explains to Kate about the shot he didn’t take. He explains that he was sent to take “someone” out but couldn’t, you could truly feel that Clint still has remorse about Natasha. He goes on to finally explain to Kate that while he lost his family in the blip, he became Ronin, he continued to be who he was trained to be, a weapon.
Standout Character
Clint. He was solid throughout the episode and truly made you feel sorry for him. The backstory of him meeting Natasha, him becoming Ronin was so powerful.
The Verdict
A really great, moving, and powerful episode with some intense moments. This episode felt like a “set-up” episode which raises some new questions. This episode has some truly great character development throughout the episode.
Rating: 9.6/10
Photo: Hawkeye Season 1 Episode 4.
The Review
Story - 9
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 9
A really great, moving, and powerful episode with some intense moments. This episode felt like a "set-up" episode which raises some new questions. This episode has some truly great character development throughout the episode.