Season 1 Episode 5 “After a fallout between Clint and Kate, the latter is ready to abandon her dream of becoming a hero, but Kate makes a discovery that changes everything.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked?
1. The episode begins with a flashback to 2018 where we see Yelena and a Black Widow agent infiltrate a mansion and with Yelena and the Black Widow agent fighting a blonde woman who we see Yelena gives an antidote. We see that Yelena has been going around saving countless Widows. We get such a cool scene of Yelena being snapped and reappearing in mere seconds.
2. Kate has a really cool scene with her mother about her past and her believing that she could be “one of them” meaning a hero, Kate’s mother explains that she has to not beat herself up and that she has an idea of the person Kate is growing into becoming. I truly loved this scene.
3. The chemistry between Kate and Yelena is immediately felt in the scene that they shared. I absolutely loved seeing these two great characters interact together. I love that Yelena is straight-up telling Kate that she knows everything about her and that he’s here to kill Clint.
4. Maya lays a trap for Clint, an ambush. Clint easily takes down the Tracksuit Mafia members that are lying in wait. He also takes down the Sniper. Clint dressed as Ronin goes into a fight with Maya, the two are pretty evenly matched. He takes down Maya, but doesn’t kill her, he unmasks and speaks with Maya using sign language. Maya gets the drop on Clint and before she can strike him down, Kate saves him.
5. Kate gets a text from Yelena, about who hired her, turns out it was Elena Bishop who hired her. Yelena sent Kate a photo of her mother meeting with… none other than the big guy who they have mentioned all season… Kingpin. That’s right, Kingpin has officially debuted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
What I Disliked?
Nothing to report.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was seeing Clint go to the Battle of New York memorial site, taking out his hearing aid, and just having a heartfelt conversation with Natasha. He tells her that she was the best and that he’s sorry for what he’s about to do. I love seeing Natasha still play a huge part in Clint’s life.
Standout Character
Clint, he went full Ronin just without the murder and rage. I loved his moment at the memorial site. Clint was just great in this episode.
The Verdict
Overall, a solid episode for what it was. The episode has some great reveals and some predictable reveals but some still surprising. The great moments of dialogue between a few characters truly made this episode feel great. The full episode of Yelena was great to see, especially the first part of the episode.
Rating: 9.1/10
Photo: Hawkeye Season 1 Episode 5.
The Review
Story - 8
Action - 9
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 8.5
Overall, a solid episode for what it was. The episode has some great reveals and some predictable reveals but some still surprising. The great moments of dialogue between a few characters truly made this episode feel great. The full episode of Yelena was great to see, especially the first part of the episode.