In this article, I’ll explain how I would set up a good portion of the DC extended universe going forward after the events of the Black Adam movie.
Now in this article, there will be potential spoilers for Black Adam so please be aware when reading.
In the Black Adam movie, we were introduced to the Justice Society, within this group we had Hawkman, Dr. Fate, Cyclone, and Atom Smasher. These were a big part of the movie, as they were tasked with taking down Black Adam.
Now when I watched the movie, I instantly loved Hawkman and Dr. Fate, I think given the reaction online, other people did just the same as me.
While we know the fate of Dr. Fate, we do not know what will happen to Hawkman or even if he’ll return. This is exactly how I would bring him back.
Firstly, give Aldis Hodge a standalone Hawkman movie. Maybe set it on Thanagar as well as Earth. There are endless possibilities you could do for Hawkman and one of the major things a standalone movie could do is to introduce Hawkgirl.
Aldis Hodge is fantastic as Hawkman, and in my opinion, deserves a standalone movie to shine even more than he did in Black Adam.
Next, I’d bring back Pierce Brosnan, if you’ve seen Black Adam you will know how his story ends and you might think why bring him back? Well, Give us an origin movie for him. It doesn’t even have to be an origin movie, just bring him back as a narrator and cast a young Kent Nelson, where we would see him find the helmet and put it on for the first time.
An origin movie would open the door to bring in more mystical and magic into the DC extended universe which in turn would open the door for many other magic users whether they are heroes or villains.
Next, set up a “buddy-cop” type movie with Hawkman and Dr. Fate. Those two had some emotional, fantastic, and exciting scenes throughout Black Adam. You could set this type of movie up in a post-credit scene in either movie.
This movie would in turn set up a Justice Society movie which in turn would allow characters such as Jay Garrick to come into the picture. Obviously, within a Justice Society movie you’d have Cyclone and Atom Smasher, these could set up a spin-off movie whether that would be a standalone movie or a team-up movie.
Setting up the DC extended universe like this would basically sort out a new area of DC comics in live-action. You could still have Henry Cavill as Superman, just have the Justice League and Justice Society as two different factions.
It might get crossed over by “casual” viewers but in the overall scheme of things the DC universe would simply be “Justice League Unlimited”.
Obviously, this might not happen but now with James Gunn at the helm of the DC universe, I fully trust him. He’s very comic-centric, he loves the lore and has taken underrated, undervalued, and lesser-known characters such as Peacemaker and the Guardians of the Galaxy and exploded their fanbases tenfold.
This is how I would do the DC extended universe going forward. With Henry Cavill seemingly returning to the role of Superman full-time, give him a movie with Dwayne the Rock Johnson and give the viewers and fans a showdown of epic proportions.
Hawkman and Dr. Fate are two fantastic additions to the DC live-action movies and they need to be brought back ASAP.