Season 2 Episode 6 – “After two challenging missions, The Guardians of the Globe struggle to work as a team. Meanwhile, Mark tries to balance his hero duties, personal relationships, and his future as a college student.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Even with some bickering, The Immortal and Mark manage to work together to stop the aliens on the ship. The two heroes even quickly learn to work together to stop anything from happening with Eve and Robot because the two had aliens taking control of them.
2. Rex wakes up with the Lizard King still there, even with a missing hand, claws around his entire body, and a bullet through the head, Rex manages to destroy the Lizard King by pure anger. I think this whole scene in both episodes has truly put Rex in another category for a hero.
3. The aliens on Mars try to stop the Guardians from returning to Earth because they have an alien on their team who was the cause of this whole mess, he needs to stay behind to be punished by death for it. Mark tells them he understands which causes them to get into a space battle with Mark destroying the aliens and the Immortal actually praising Mark.
4. When he got shot through the head, Rex told Mark that his life literally flashed before his eyes and he came to the realization that he was a dick to all the women in his life and that they didn’t deserve any of it. I think this is a huge stepping stone for Rex.
5. Mark finally reads one of Nolan’s books. Nolan wrote about an “infinity gun” which what it showed in the episode, is insanely powerful to the point it can destroy something huge and cause a massive explosion and not something to be shot regularly.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
The episode immediately opens up where the last episode left off. With Rex on his knees and a gun to his head. He tells the villain to “Do it already” and the villain does, he pulls the trigger and without hesitation shoots Rex through the head.
Standout Character
The standout for me this week would simply be Rex. I think he going absolutely crazy when badly injured and on the verge of death simply made him the standout.
Overall, a solid episode that teased the Vultrimite war. This episode was a set-up episode and an episode that focused on relationships. We had Mark and Amber trying to save their relationship and on the other hand, you had the fallout from Immortal and Kate’s relationship where he has to deal with her death.
Rating: 9.4/10

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The Review
Story - 8
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 10
Overall, a solid episode that teased the Vultrimite war. This episode was a set-up episode and an episode that focused on relationships. We had Mark and Amber trying to save their relationship and on the other hand, you had the fallout from Immortal and Kate's relationship where he has to deal with her death.