Season 2 Episode 3 – “Mark starts his college career, Debbie struggles with personal trauma, and Allen the Alien returns home to find a new threat facing the Coalition of Planets.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I do like seeing the backstory on Allen the Alien’s planet and the Viltrumite invasion. Seeing his people go to the coalition of planets and saw the creation of Allen the Alien. How he was given the task to go to different planets to face the toughest of opponents.
2. The coalition of planets mentions that they have not seen a Viltrumite on Viltrumite fight since the great purge. Allen begins to explain that this is different, Mark does not want to be like his father and this could be the key they need.
3. Three Viltrumites arrive and begin to attack Allen the Alien while he’s on a date. They begin beating him up for answers about the Viltrumite on Earth. He takes a beating by all three of them because he didn’t give an answer. They do not hold back, they beat him until his eye pops out and then punch a hole through Allen.
What I Disliked
1. I really couldn’t care less about Rex being hurt about being cheated on. It’s not interesting at all. It’s annoying, it’s boring and just stupid.
2. I know episodes can have little to no action but with Invincible, you expect just that. You expect action, you expect to see Mark get into a huge fight. This only had one fight and it was only a small portion.
Favorite Moment
An alien from 2 galaxies away arrives on Earth and pretends to be a toy that Mark loves. They want him to go to their planet and help them by stopping the meteor showers that are destroying the planet. The alien lied to Mark, and he brought him to his father, Omni-Man.
Standout Character
I think I have to give this to Allen the Alien. He went back to his people and told them about Mark and how he fought Omni-Man, and then someone who was working for the Viltrumites must have snitched on him which caused them to attack and badly injure Allen.
Honestly, this was by far the weakest episode of Invincible to date. This episode was slow, it was shot like some weird TV show. The episode delivered a tiny bit of action and was only interesting at the end when Omni-Man reappeared.
Rating: 7.8/10

The Review
Story - 7
Action - 5
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 7
Quality - 10
Honestly, this was by far the weakest episode of Invincible to date. This episode was slow, it was shot like some weird TV show. The episode delivered a tiny bit of action and was only interesting at the end when Omni-Man reappeared.