
Invincible “You Were My Hero” Review

Season 3 Episode 4 – “Two strangers ask Mark for help with a mysterious villain. Elsewhere in the galaxy, Nolan grapples with his identity and Allen finds a surprising new ally.

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. Mark takes the camera that exploded to Robot to find out who it is, and then comes to the conclusion that someone on Earth with a lot of resources is spying on Mark. The scene then cuts to Mark’s absolutely wrecking shop at the Pentagon.

2. Mark gets teleported to a dystopian future where there has been war for countless years. They get captured and go to see the “king”. The two heroes who took Mark to the future get escorted to be executed while Mark goes to see the King as he was expected. The King is Immortal who tells Mark he’s the only one that knows who he truly is.

3. I did like the little touch of Mark and Eve flying around the Earth on a little date with the episode showing flashbacks to all the time they spent together in previous seasons. It generally showcased that they belong together.

4. Nolan is getting absolutely beaten down for his execution by two Viltrumites. This is until Allen the Alien breaks out of his cell and begins to look for Nolan to stop the execution. Allen releases all the aliens on board of the prison.


5. We get to see Allen the Alien have a fight with a Viltrumite which leads to Allen getting beat down in front of Nolan while Battle Beast is quite happy engaging in combat with the other Viltrumite. Nolan then breaks free and saves Allen.

6. The fight scene at the end of the episode between Allen, Nolan, and Battle Beast against the two Viltrumites was generally one of the better fight scenes in this entire season. Honestly, Allen and Nolan’s team was perfect.

What I Disliked

Nothing to report.

Favorite Moment

My favorite moment is when Immortal begins to fight Mark after Mark refuses to kill him. Immortal begins to choke the two heroes that brought Mark to the time, this leads Mark to get a beat down by Immortal before Mark has enough and rips Immortals head off.

Standout Character

I’m going to give this to Mark. He was amazing in this episode.


Again, this is the fourth episode in season 3, this is another great episode with a solid story and some amazing fight scenes. The episodes in this season have been sublime. This episode teased so many upcoming stories as well.


Rating: 9.6/10

Invincible Season 3

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The Review

Story - 9
Action - 10
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10



Again, this is the fourth episode in season 3, this is another great episode with a solid story and some amazing fight scenes. The episodes in this season have been sublime. This episode teased so many upcoming stories as well.

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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