Firstly, Don’t take this as hate towards Spider-Man 3, Marvel/Sony, any actor involved in the movie. Take it more as a question than anything else.
Straight away after Far From Home and the end reveal of J.Jonah Jameson being in this universe as he was in previous Spider-Man films played by J.K Simmons. Fans have asked whether it’s the same version, a different alternate version, or simply just a nod to previous films.
I was fine with either one, but then news started to release about the actual movie. From Doctor Strange to previous incarnations of Spider-Man and the Peter Parker character.
Like fair enough, bring back characters for a nod or easter egg but from all the news speculating that it’s some type of “multiverse” movie, seems like it could be a bad mistake bringing all these characters back.
It feels like Tom Holland has been pushed aside in his own movie, which I would have loved to see just a movie focused on him, without appearances from Iron Man or Doctor Strange.
The latest rumor is that Alfred Molina will be reprising his role as Doc Ock in Spider-Man 3. This isn’t the only villain returning either as we have Jamie Foxx’s Electro returning from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie.
I just want to know if Tom Holland can actually shine as the MCU Peter in this movie, if indeed Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, Alfred Molina, and rumored more previous actors are returning?

The “Ned” character played by Jacob Batalon is also rumored to be getting a bigger arc this time round too which I’m more than happy about it because Ned is a huge character.
In my opinion, there is no need to bring all these characters back, maybe one or two, as an easter egg type, maybe a part in the story but don’t overcrowd the film, let Tom Holland shine as a new Peter, let other new characters have the spotlight too.