In November 2023, we released an article that the game was reportedly dead in the water which you can read here.
Since then, there’s conflicting information although one bit of good information is from an interview back in April with Saber Interactive CEO, Matthew Karch over at IGN.
It’s been in the press numerous times. What I will say is that the game is alive and well, and we’re dedicated to making sure we exceed consumer expectations.
Matthew Karch
There’s been nothing since which is something we’re typically used to now when it comes to this game. We try to read between the lines but it doesn’t always make sense. For example, Sony took down everything regarding the game, and considering it’s a PS exclusive – it’s worrying for sure.
Then, the Saber Interactive CEO mentions the game is alive and well but nothing further on how the game is progressing or anything else. Unless you saw the initial trailer back in 2021 or generally knew about it – you’d have no idea this game is even happening.
Aspyr Media were the original developers of the game. According to the media, the progress was slow so the project was then given back to Saber Interactive who are now the active developers but we have no idea where the progress of the game is.
The fact the CEO confirmed the game is happening is a good sign that the game will in fact come but I’m worried. I have been worried for quite some time when it came to this because of the chaos behind the scenes. The KOTOR remake was one of my most anticipated games and I was ecstatic when the trailer first released.
Saber Interactive ideally needs to get behind this once and for all, and show us some glimpses of what they’ve been doing. It’s all well and good that Matthew Karch said it’s still alive but it’s been nearly 3 years since the trailer was first revealed. Surely there’s been work done, enough to give us even another cinematic trailer. Something. Anything will do at this point.
That’s why my hope is shot. One trailer, hype, crisis behind the scenes, reported dead, CEO confirms otherwise but it’s hard to believe. I’m not even writing this article as a journalist, I’m writing this as a fan. Everyone I speak to in regards to this tells me it’s dead but I cannot accept that despite having little hope. I think for the fans, release something, give us something just to let us know that this game is going ahead as already stated.
Maybe we’ll see something at the next PlayStation event but we’ll see.

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