Season 2 episode 9 “Seg reunites with Val and the Rebels as General Zod mounts his final attack on the Rebellion.”
What Was Good?
1. Zod has created an army and has created ships to take control of Wegthor and soon after the galaxy. The head of science begged him to give her more time to work on Doomsday’s mind but Zod takes no notice and releases Doomsday and tells him to kneel so Doomsday kneels before Zod. I can just tell now that this will come back to haunt Zod in the future.. no one can control Doomsday.
2. Seg and Nyssa take a modified scimmer to Wegthor so inform Val of the impending invasion by Zod’s fleet. Seg and Val reunited but it’s soon interrupted by one ship that’s landing on the moon. Val tells his resistance to get prepared for an ambush but Val and Seg get confused when only one heat signature appears. Zod had sent Doomsday to Wegthor with a army hidden in the ship, The resistance opens fire on a lone wolf Doomsday, they think they killed Doomsday but he charges at them, making quick work of the resistance, killing everyone.
3. Nyssa insists on leading the resistance against the hidden forces in the ship, This scene was probably one of my favorite Nyssa scenes in the entire history of Krypton. We see her and the resistance charges towards the Sagitari with the scene entering slow motion in parts where Nyssa is killing and beating the Sagitari alone. She was incredible in this scene.
4. The bombs that Seg and Kem were planting to stop Doomsday goes off but it also sets in motion the destruction of the moon by the minerals inside the land explode as well, Val and Nyssa enter the ship and take off with no sign of Seg, but we see him manage to take off before the moon explodes.
What Was Bad?
1. While Nyssa was a stand out this episode and even had one of the best scenes of the episode, you’d think with her having a missing child she’d stop being reckless and putting herself in dangerous situations which could get her killed.
2. Dev and Jayna arrive back at their base when they get followed by two Sagitari soldiers but Lyta manages to talk the soldiers down and tell them what Zod is really doing and had done. This was a bad point because you’d think two former high ranking Sagitari soldiers would of covered their tracks better.
3. Val loses the signal to the detonator of the bombs and Seg and Kem, Doomsday manages to cause damage to the base which starts to crumble, The ceiling would of fell on top of Val if Adam never pushed him out of the way and took the falling rocks. Val manages to pull some rocks off of Adam but Adam can’t feel his legs. If this leads to Adam using a jetpack like in the comics i’m going to be so happy.
Holy Shit Moment
Doomsday arrives outside of where Seg and Kem are, Doomsday barges through the door knocking Seg and Kem out. Seg awakens by Kem dragging him to safety, Seg tries to say his goodbyes to Kem but Kem punches Seg and puts a force field between the two. He asks Seg if he remember when they used to do some stuff in the rankless sector and that it’s Kems turn to take the beating. Kem finds the detonator but Doomsday is behind him and stabs him with a spike, Kem starts to feeling his pockets and pulls out… his middle finger and laughs at Doomsday which causes Doomsday to rip Kems head off while Kem sets off the bombs.
The Verdict
An absolutely action packed, heartbreaking episode which gave us not one but two heartbreaking moments with Adam losing the feeling to his legs and Kem sacrificing himself to stop Doomsday. The badass slow motion fight scene with Nyssa was one of the best things about this episode. Doomsday was on the moon when it explodes, if he alive?
Rating: 9/10
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