Season 2 episode 1 “Seg-El is stranded far from home, where his grandfather leads a rebellion against General Zod.”
What Was Good?
1. After the events that took place in season 1 of the show, Zod is now ruling over Krypton as the so called savior. We find out that Zod is not only destroying planets, he’s eradicating them and making them into what Krypton would become in the future.
2. We found out that Seg-el is Zod’s father in season 1, the season 2 premiere takes place 6 months after the events of the finale. We come to find out Nyssa-Vex has joined the resistance to Zod but not only is she trying to survive to get back to Seg-el, she’s also surviving for her and Seg’s baby.
3. Seg is trapped inside the phantom zone and he’s having visions of what will potentially happen in the future, like Zod killing Lyta. Brainiac is also trapped there and see’s this future vision Seg saw so Brainiac decides to manipulate Seg into releasing both of them back onto Colu, Brainiac’s “supposedly” inhabitable.
4. After a gun fight and betrayal, Seg’s grandfather, Nyssa’s protector and Adam try to get away, Seg’s grandfather and Nyssa’s protector get away but Adam gets shot in the hand so he teleports to where Seg has been located and this leads into Adam seeing something incredible… See the Holy Shit Moment.

What Was Bad?
1. Lyta was a loveable badass in season 1, she stood up for what she believed in but in season 2 she’s been corrupted by Zod, she’s torturing people for information on Doomsday if they don’t comply she simply destroys their brain and turns them into a whole new person.
2. Not a major bad but Adam Strange’s planet is now GONE.. Brainiac literally took it and it’s now bottled up on his ship.
Holy Shit Moment
1. Nyssa has been searching every little clue for her father so he can give her answers as to why she’s a clone and why she was with her mother the night she died. She gets an anonymous tip as to where he is so she heads there but it’s a trap, before she can get her answers, Lyta blows his head off.
2. When Adam teleported to Seg’s location he saw Seg standing there in disbelief. Seg tries to talk to Seg after a few moments they hug and greet each other thats when we find out Seg has seemingly bashed Brainiac’s head in with a log, is brainiac dead? Seg and Adam hear a noise and they try to run but run into a mystery character who shoots Adam, knocking him out cold and then hitting Seg with his gun, knocking him out as well.. the camera turns and it’s not other than the intergalactic bounty hunter Lobo.
The Verdict
Amazing first episode of season 2.. We saw amazing moments like Zod ruling Krypton, the phantom zone, Colu and a dead Brainiac! Best part of the show was how Lobo was introduced and he was incredible!