Season 7 Episode 7 “The Legends crash land in 1940s Seattle in the middle of World War II and find themselves working in an airplane factory alongside “Rosies”; Behrad teaches Nate about Persian culture and etiquette.”
What I Liked?
1. I do like how the episode is shining light on the woman who worked in the middle of the second world war. This was such an important thing in history and I’m glad they showcased the hard work the women put in while their male counterparts fought in the war.
2. I like how Astra and Behrad were both there for each other to give the other a motivational speech when they were both stressed out and stuck on their issues. I feel like something will happen between the two of these further into the season.
3. I truly can not believe I’m even writing this but Bishop had a great moment when he protected and covered the Legends while being shot at. He even went as far as to allow the Legends to get to the time machine while he was executed. This might have been his best moment in the show.
What I Disliked?
1. It’s no secret that I hate the Bishop character, but my god has he been insanely boring this episode. He’s been lingering around in the background just being annoying and having a few of the Legends run after him. It’s absolutely the worst thing in the season.

Favorite Moment
My favorite scene would have to be the scene where the ladies finally got the recognition that they truly deserved. Astra was great in this scene.
Standout Character
Astra, she was absolutely fantastic in this episode, even though her hate nearly ruined the entire mission.
The Verdict
Overall, a boring story with some major historical moments in the episode. The action was lackluster until the last few closing moments of the episode. Astra was truly the only standout character of this week. Ultimately, one of the weaker episodes.
Rating: 3.4/10
Photo: Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 Episode 7.
The Review
Story - 3
Action - 4
Characters - 3
Entertainment - 4
Quality - 3
Overall, a boring story with some major historical moments in the episode. The action was lackluster until the last few closing moments of the episode. Astra was truly the only standout character of this week. Ultimately, one of the weaker episodes.