Season 5 Episode 1 “Worlds lived, worlds died. Nothing will ever be the same.”
What I Liked
1. Straight into the episode, Kara is confused as everything seems, well, normal after the Dawn of Time events. She attends the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony where no other than Lex Luthor is given the award. Kara’s face, I paused it and it made me laugh. Brilliant! It seems as though Lex has used the Book of Destiny to become a “hero” since he got a taste for it last episode.
2. It seems as though the earths are now connected, meaning Barry and Kara reside on the same earth. I like this. It always confused me with the earth numbers and so on, plus, this means it’s more likely for mini team ups going forward.
3. After J’onn goes around restoring certain peoples memories, we get to Diggle, Dinah, and Rene – it hits home that we will never see Oliver again. Seeing Diggle like that just made me think of how many great season, and episodes of Arrow we got. How incredible Stephen Amell portrayed the character. Man, I’m not crying, it’s just my wife cutting onions.
4. Mick’s reaction to seeing Beebo was fantastic. He’s one of the characters that brings the humour to anything he’s in.
5. Finally seeing a glimpse of Ryan becoming Atom is good to see. Especially him mentioning the “micro verse” similar to the Quantum Realm Ant-Man enters in the Avengers.
6. Black Lightning makes an appearance! Finally!
7. We get glimpses of now what each earth entails. Earth-2 is dedicated to the upcoming hero, Stargirl and Justice League of America. Earth-12 is dedicated to the Green Lantern Corps. Earth-19 is weirdly dedicated to the now cancelled Swamp Thing (which I’m hoping is now picked up). Earth-9 is TITANS. The next one doesn’t make sense. Earth-21 is dedicated to the Doom Patrol. Gar went to the TITANS from the Doom Patrol so this is a plot hole that seriously needs addressed. Earth-96 is the Brandon Routh Superman. Now Earth Prime is where everybody else is, The Flash, Supergirl, Batgirl, Black Lightning etc.
8. The Justice League table at the very end! Amazing.

What I Disliked
Maybe a little over-the-top here but I feel like the Anti-Monitor was beaten way too easily this episode. After the entire build up he was done within a few minutes, especially after everything Oliver did to defeat him.
Favourite Moment
The President giving Oliver a speech at the end of the episode was heartbreaking, especially seeing everybody’s reaction as they watch on their TV’s.
Standout Character
This was incredibly tough. In terms of fictional purposes, the Martian Manhunter has to take it here. If it wasn’t for him reminding everyone and restoring memories, we would’ve had a terrible story. However he ensured that everybody remembered going forward.
An incredible episode with amazing teases at the end. A nice end to Oliver’s legacy of everything he created. It brought all the CW shows together on one earth, it means team ups are likely. Also the team leaving a space for Oliver at the table was such a nice touch. An incredible end to Crisis. I saw the spoilers for this a couple of days ago and I thought it would be bad, I was so wrong.
Rating 10/10