Season 7 Episode 6 “The Legends are stranded in a forest and pair off. Meanwhile, Behrad discovers where they, while Bishop and the Gideon AI team up.”
What I Liked?
1. I do like how Nate took charge when the Legends were stuck in the forest. We haven’t truly had a “leader” in a while so it was nice to see Nate become this leader if it was only for a minute. So far I’ve really liked Nate this season.
2. The “fake” Gideon which Bishop builds begins to think for itself. Because of how important the mission of adding these historical figures back into the timeline, The Ava Clone is sort of distracting Bishop from his mission, so Gideon takes it upon itself to get rid of Ava so Gideon opens the door and lets Ava be sucked into the time stream.
What I Disliked?
1. The episode begins with Bishop once again returning, only this time, he has created a Waverider. Like I get they are trying to make him a villain but he literally is anything but a villain. He’s annoying, cringe, and the worst character they’ve ever brought into the Arrowverse.
2. And just like that my curiosity about the “robots” this season has disappeared since I now know that they were created by Bishop. I thought we would have got this insane villain but no, they truly went with the same villain back-to-back seasons.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would have to be Behrad, Zari, and Davies changing history by broadcasting instructions to leave the area hours before the Chernobyl meltdown while putting a huge target on their backs. The Bishop which is in the Waverider refuses to use the weapons on the Legends after finding out they kidnapped him to give him a second chance to redeem himself.
Standout Character
I’d give this to Nate if I’m honest. He became a leader and truly focused on what he wanted his future to be like with Zari.
The Verdict
Honestly, this wasn’t an interesting episode in the slightest. Multiple times in this episode I was bored, consistently losing focus on the episode because the story and the episode lacked entertainment. No action or anything truly hurt it as well. After a somewhat decent episode last week, this episode truly dropped the ball.
Rating: 2.7/10
Photo: Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 Episode 6.
Story - 3
Action - 2
Characters - 4
Entertainment - 2
Quality - 2.5
Honestly, this wasn't an interesting episode in the slightest. Multiple times in this episode I was bored, consistently losing focus on the episode because the story and the episode lacked entertainment. No action or anything truly hurt it as well. After a somewhat decent episode last week, this episode truly dropped the ball.