Season 5 Episode 13 “After drinking from Chalice, the Legends have immortality for 24 hours, which gives them time to get to the Waverider and use the Loom of Fate; they get stuck at Constantine’s house during a zombie apocalypse.”
What I Liked
1. Can’t help but laugh at Micks impulsive decisions. Despite the legends having immortality for 24 hours and being superhero’s, the Waverider has been taken, and they find themselves having to get the bus to London. After realizing they need to pay for the bus but don’t have any money, Mick decides the only way to resolve the issue is to throw the bus driver off and drive the bus himself. That’s one way of being a superhero I guess.
2. Within ten minutes of the episode there was already more action than last weeks episode altogether. The team are attacked by a group of Zombies that Atropos has unleashes and the Legends don’t hold back on taking them down.
3. Charlie’s sisters (Atropos and Lachesis) demanded that Astra shut Gideon down, however a little further into the episode Gideon appears to Gary in human form. Did Gideon have a fail-safe in place for an emergency like this?
4. I had to wait to write this last one as so much happened in a short space of time, so overwhelming. The immortality has ran out for the legends, and as soon as they get the chance Charlies sisters plunge a knife into Astra’s chest, leaving her lifeless body on the floor down beside Gary. Moments following after this Sarah announced that she had a vision and she was about to die in a battle with the zombies, this rained true. As the team are all being attacked Sarah sacrifices herself to save the team. As Charlie then goes back to the waverider to confront her sisters and hopefully put an end to the reign of terror they have caused for the Legends, Gary’s life is then also taken away by the two sisters. Of course this is Legends and anything can happen, so we will just have to wait and see what comes next! Will the Legends who have survived be able to bring them back? I’m certainly sticking around to find out.
What I Disliked
1. So as I had written in my Likes, Gideon was shut down by Astra and appeared to Gary in human form. While I was liking this thinking Gideon had put this in place in case of an emergency, like a fail-safe, it turned out she was just a figment of Gary’s imagination. Slightly disappointing.
2. I thought maybe Astra was just playing along with the sisters, keeping them sweet until she had a plan but no not the case. After Gary managed to get the rings away from the sisters, she wasted no time helping the sisters hunt him down on the ship, putting his life at risk.
Favourite Moment
The immortality has ran out for the legends, and as soon as they get the chance Charlies sisters plunge a knife into Astra’s chest, leaving her lifeless body on the floor down beside Gary. Moments following after this Sarah announced that she had a vision and she was about to die in a battle with the zombies, this rained true. As the team are all being attacked Sarah sacrifices herself to save the team. As Charlie then goes back to the waverider to confront her sisters and hopefully put an end to the reign of terror they have caused for the Legends, Gary’s life is then also taken away by the two sisters. Of course this is Legends and anything can happen, so we will just have to wait and see what comes next! Will the Legends who have survived be able to bring them back? I’m certainly sticking around to find out.
Standout Character
This is a tough one, every character was amazing this episode! So let’s just give this one to our villains of the episode. Atropos and Lachesis, I mean they killed off three of our Legends, we can’t really say they didn’t make an impact.
Very strong episode this week for Legends, Although I’m not really a Zombie Apocalypse type of person, this episode certainly kept us viewers sitting on the edge of our seats by the end of it.
Rating 9/10