Season 7 Episode 5 “While Sarah and her group prepare to use Davies’ time machine, Spooner, Astra, Gideon rush to save them before it’s too late.”
What I Liked?
1. I did like how when Behrad fixed the time machine, Ava, Gary, and the time travel book all disappeared because Davies never used the machine but the Legends did. This point happened halfway through the episode and this was my first like.
2. When Sara is breaking Davies out of the asylum, Davies refuses to leave with her and begins screaming for the guards. This is when “assassin” Sara came out to play when she stuck a knife to Davies’s neck. I miss this badass Sara Lance.
3. When Nate and Zari are getting the blueprints for the time machine, the Hoover bot overloads and explodes. While Nate and Zari are cleaning up the pieces of the explosion, Eddison dies of a heart attack. After some heart-to-heart talks, we hear a Waverider outside the building and in walks another Hoover as well as an Eddison. While I’m not excited for the whole “robot” storyline, I am curious to see where it goes.
What I Disliked?
1. So the Legends get their first look at Davies, the supposed “father of time travel” and can not even recognize that he looks so much like Constantine just with black hair and a beard? He even sounds like Constantine as well. This is absolutely bad writing.
2. I get the “not leaving footprints” stuff, however, the longer they stay in this time period the more likely they will put more footprints down which in turn will be even worse than Sara’s plan to steal and use Davies time machine. Ava is pretty much shutting Sara down at every chance.

Favorite Moment
When the Legends and Davies are about to use the time machine, Astra uses a spell to knock out the cities power, while Gideon is running to save the Legends. The two plans manage to save the Legends and everyone reunites as a team.
Standout Character
I think I have to give this to Astra this week. She made Spooner feel better because she was down so she made her believe that luck was real.
The Verdict
Overall a really solid episode for Legends this week. The story was actually somewhat interesting, the characters were not annoying which is a first. The action was lackluster but this episode didn’t need action at all. One of the better episodes of this season so far.
Rating: 5.4/10
Photo: Legends of Tomorrow.
The Rating
Story - 6
Action - 4
Characters - 6
Entertainment - 6
Quality - 5
Overall a really solid episode for Legends this week. The story was actually somewhat interesting, the characters were not annoying which is a first. The action was lackluster but this episode didn't need action at all. One of the better episodes of this season so far.