Season 7 Episode 9 – “Gideon jumps the time machine into the Manor Dimension; the crew of a 90’s reality show causes havoc; Sara and Ava share their true feelings about their roles as co-captains; Behrad seeks advice about Astra from Nate and Zari.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I feel like this is an episode that will make Astra a standout character because so far she is the only character that has me interested in the episode. The overall story is boring so far though.

What I Disliked
1. So, whatever creature or demon is in the mansion is manipulating the Legends into getting “closer” together until they find Gary and Gideon in bed together. Is this the story they are going for? If so this is going to be such a bad episode. They are on a reality show?
2. Honestly, this season has had some awful episodes but this episode is currently so bad, 20+ minutes in, and literally, nothing has happened to warrant being remotely interesting. The story is so bad, boring, and bland. It’s horrendous.
3. The acting is truly bad, for everyone. It’s literally horrible watching it play out. I honestly can not believe that this is the quality of content we are getting seven seasons into a series. I don’t know why this series is still on the air.
Favourite Moment
My favorite moment came from Behrad. It took one of the worst characters to even make me have a favorite moment in the episode and it was him speaking about his friends and him wanting to ask Astra out.
Standout Character
Behrad, there is no one else to give this to.
I will not lie, this is my most disliked episode of the season. I absolutely hated every moment of this episode except one tiny moment. The episode was absolutely boring from the beginning, had no action and the acting was atrocious.
Rating 1.4/10
The Review
Story - 1
Action - 1
Characters - 2
Entertainment - 1
Quality - 2
I will not lie, this is my most disliked episode of the season. I absolutely hated every moment of this episode except one tiny moment. The episode was absolutely boring from the beginning, had no action and the acting was atrocious.