Season 5 Episode 6 “With Sara away from the Waverider, the Legends find a new Encore with Ava’s new invention, the Prognosticator, and must now to defeat Genghis Khan in 1990s Hong Kong; Constantine’s life is hanging in the balance.”
What I Liked?
1. We kick of the episode with the Legends taking Constantine back to the waverider to see what exactly is wrong with him. It turns out that Astra has turned his death down to a few hours from now. Gideon runs a test and we see that Constantine has a severe case of lung cancer and that it’s terminal.
2. Genghis Khan is this weeks villain who is trying to conquer the world starting with the triad in Hong Kong. The Legends go to knock him out but end up in a shoot out with the triad while Genghis Khan has a stand off with Behrad and Charlie.
3. Charlie is keep hearing voices in her head and they make her powers act up which nearly causes her to be killed by a truck until she gets saved by Behrad. We later find out that she’s been in hiding for a 1000 years or so from her sisters who are trying to kill her. She told us that she broke her loom and hid them throughout the multiverse but since theres only one universe now that her sisters can get them and get their powers back.
4. Constantine makes a toast between him, Ray and Gary… However Constantine drunk something other than wine which kills him and sends him to hell where Astra is. He tells her that he can bring her mother back and with a few seconds left, Astra gives him his life back only if she brings her mother back.
What I Disliked?
1. The Legends story for this episode was cheesy, boring and just cringe. There was elements that made it good like Charlie and Behrad but everything else was sub par.
2. The episode gave us hints and teases for Ray and Nora’s exit from the show. Constantine asked Ray what was on his bucket list and Ray told him that he plans on asking Nora to marry him.

Favourite Moment
Behrad couldn’t save Prince Charlies from Genghis Khan, but it was actually Charlie when Khan found out about this he tried to kill her by having his men shoot her but Behrad used his wind powers to stop the bullets. Charlie then kills Genghis Khan with his own sword (somehow).
Standout Character
Behrad, he was the only Legend who had a decent arc this episode.
The Verdict
Well first things first, The only part of the episode that was remotely interesting was the Constantine part. It truly felt like they were going to kill him off. The Legends story was cheesy, boring and uninteresting. Mick was one again wasted.