Season 7 Episode 11 – “Sara and Gwyn come up with a plan to lure the Robo Legends to them, and take Waverider.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Why is Robo-steel so much better with his powers than the normal Nate? Like I’m so confused as to why the real Nate is dumbed down. Same with evil Sara when she straight-up walks up to Thawne and stabs him, is it weird I’m liking the evil versions more?
2. I do like how they are trusting Behrad with this important task of infiltrating the waverider and shutting down evil Gideon. I am beginning to really like Behrad, he just needs a tiny bit better writing and more action.
3. Wow, Zari actually getting into a fight and winning. I like how in this episode, the characters that are essential “just there” are getting a chance to stand out in this episode. It’s a surprising episode, to say the least.
What I Disliked
1. The impersonation of the Terminator was so cringe-worthy that it instantly made the dislike list. Wow, that was bad.
2. While I like that Gwyn is playing a bigger part in the episode, I do not like the story at all, I’m bored by it. It could be a bit better in terms of action, story, and even characters.

Favourite Moment
My favorite moment was Spooner absolutely tricking the robot Gary into eating a bomb-wearing robot Spooner and both exploding. I liked how easy it was to fool this version of Gary, truly nailed the stupidness of the Gary character.
Standout Character
Behrad. He got given a huge task and he delivered on it all while proving himself to me as a viewer.
Going into this episode I had no faith, I thought it would have been another below-average episode but I was proven wrong. I actually was entertained by it, although I did have an issue with the story, the characters actually were a stand-out.
Rating 5.8/10
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The Review
Story - 4
Action - 6
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 7
Quality - 5
Going into this episode I had no faith, I thought it would have been another below-average episode but I was proven wrong. I actually was entertained by it, although I did have an issue with the story, the characters actually were a stand-out.