Season 5 Episode 11 “The Legends deal with a shipboard saboteur as they attempt to use the Loom.”
What I Liked?
1. Charlie uses the loom to try and bring Behrad back to life, but without her sisters, Charlie can not use it on her own and it causes the waverider to break.
2. Sara awakens from her coma with a new ability, when she touches people, she can see a future where that person is dead. Sara is also blind and Gideon can not find out why.
3. Something or Someone on the ship is trying to sabotage the ship and the loom. Everything points to Astra but then Sara believes it’s her that’s killing people.
4. Gary brought a dog aboard the ship and the dog is only a hell hound in disguise. This is what has been sabotaging the ship.
What I Disliked?
1. Gary… He’s such a bad addition to the show. He was good for part of the Time Bureau’s story arc but now he’s just overly annoying. He needs to go.
2. Another episode another boring story. This is what drags the show down. The stupid story arcs.
3. I’ll say it again, The show is wasting Mick. Every single episode.

Favorite Moment
Seeing Constantine use his magic against a Hell Hound was pretty decent, probably the best bit of the episode.
Standout Character
Mick. He was the only interesting and not an annoying character.
The Verdict
Another very uninteresting episode. Mostly all cheesy scenes. Especially with the main story arc. This is the second-worst episode in the season and it’s such a shame that this once great and serious show has stooped this low.