Season 7 Episode 4 “The Legends become enmeshed with Mob business during a stopover in 1925 Chicago, and become moonshiners.”
What I Liked?
1. I like how Zari is handling the mission in this episode. In this time period, it wasn’t the friendliest place for people of color so having a speakeasy where they can go, feel safe, and just have fun is important. Zari taking a stand against the Chicago Mob to give Eddy his speakeasy back is so great to see.
What I Disliked?
1. You know, half of the Legends are running around looking for money to get to their destination, when in fact they could have robbed the bank as they did, all hid in Constantine’s house and half one Legend who didn’t rob the bank ride the train all the way there. I feel like this unnecessary running around is dumb.
2. Why is it that in every season, at least one of the Legends goes off on a mission trying to change the timeline. They know fine well that any changes could ruin the future and they still do it. This time it’s Astra trying to change the life of a random person she met on the train. Rehashing old storylines is such a bad move.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was definitely the Nate and Gary team up fight against two of Hoover’s guys while Sara and Ava tie-up Hoover. While it was short and sweet, it was the most action the episode had.
Standout Character
Zari. She stood up against racism and held her ground and even stayed to help someone out in need.
The Verdict
Not the best episode by far but it also wasn’t the worst. While the singing wasn’t truly exciting for me, I did like the stuff involving Zari. Overall a really average episode at best. The story was ok, the little fight scene towards the end was actually decent.
Rating: 4.2/10
Photo: Legends of Tomorrow.
The Rating
Story - 4.5
Action - 4
Characters - 4
Entertainment - 3.5
Quality - 5
Not the best episode by far but it also wasn't the worst. While the singing wasn't truly exciting for me, I did like the stuff involving Zari. Overall a really average episode at best. The story was ok, the little fight scene towards the end was actually decent.