Season 6 Episode 15 “Sara and Ava prepare for their wedding, while aliens threaten to overrun the Earth.”
What I Liked?
1. My first like is simply John, he’s essentially sacrificing himself to feed the, and I can’t believe I’m writing this but, he’s letting a mushroom that is protecting the human race from alien invasions feed on his soul. While this is a dumb story, John has gone through some character development and it is showing in this scene.
2. While this is another stupid story, I did like the scene between Spooner and her mother. While this is going against basically the time travel rules, it was nice to see Spooner want to protect her mother by telling her how much she means and missed her for 20+ years.
3. Another scene which I liked was at the end, the little scene between two original members of the Legends, Sara (although a clone), and Mick Rory. This is a way to let Dominic Purcell leave the show after six seasons and as much as I hate the story for him this season, I’m glad the showrunners didn’t kill him off or anything like that.
4. The tease for next season was shown at the end of the episode when the Legends were walking back to the Waverider, when a different Waverider flies down from space and blows the Legends Waverider up, this has piqued my interest and I wish they would go a bit serious with next season. I have no hope though.
What I Disliked?
1. After a huge explosion, in which he was basically standing on top of, Mick comes out of the explosion without a scratch and just slightly burned clothes? I get that he’s Heatwave but come on, this explosion would and should have killed Mick.
2. I was going to type this as a like, but it came when we saw Nate turn into steel and fight an alien, however, even with his steel form, Nate still somehow managed to get knocked out? What is the point in him having these powers or even being on the show if he isn’t using his powers? Is it budget reasons?
3. Apparently Behrad was written absolutely badly this episode, I mean, he hasn’t been written well since he joined the series, but in this finale, he did absolutely nothing, he ate a mushroom, which apparently was Constantine, and then disappeared for most of the episode until the final battle where he got bit, that’s literally it.
4. Apparently somehow, Spooner while being connected to the mushroom alien (yes, I wrote mushroom alien) can swap peoples powers at complete will, I like Spooner as a character she was badass but she’s had no explanation on how her powers work or even what they truly do.
5. In the final battle, while being surrounded by thousands of aliens, every single Legend stops protecting the window or door they were watching and fighting the aliens at just left their spot to go and finish the weddings vows? This was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve watched this entire season.

Favorite Moment
Even though a moment of my favorite moment made it into the dislikes, I did like how aliens crashed Sara and Ava’s wedding so they had to have a Call of Duty Zombies moment barricaded in a house surrounded by aliens. It was a little bit fun, the best moment of the episode though.
Standout Character
I think I have to give this to Kayla, she was so much more interesting than any of the Legends, she overcame her fear of the aliens and held them off while the Legends hugged.
The Verdict
I’ll be honest, this was quite a boring finale, even though it is Legends of Tomorrow. The major story with Constantine being killed was ultimately ruined by letting him return to life but just leaving the Waverider, it sucked. The story was boring, the action at the end could have saved it, although they stopped while they were surrounded by aliens to finish wedding vows.
Rating: 4.5/10
Photo: Legends of Tomorrow “Season 6 Episode 15”.
Story - 4
Action - 5
Characters - 5
Entertainment - 4
I'll be honest, this was quite a boring finale, even though it is Legends of Tomorrow. The major story with Constantine being killed was ultimately ruined by letting him return to life but just leaving the Waverider, it sucked. The story was boring, the action at the end could have saved it, although they stopped while they were surrounded by aliens to finish wedding vows.