Season 6 Episode 14 “John teams up with Bishop and travels to Texas 1925 to find the Fountain and regain his magic.”
What I Liked?
1. Constantine and Bishop hijack the Waverider to go travel through time to find a new place in time where the fountain was located, while this is happening, Astra and Spooner are trapped on the ship and Astra turns them into a fork and a snowglobe to hide from Constantine and Bishop, this episode started so well, but ultimately dipped.
2. Spooner connects with a random woman at a different time, she figures out that it’s her mother and Spooner goes after her against the wish of Astra, Astra was great this episode, as much as she knew how much having a mother around, she still believed in keeping the timeline correct and was pretty much begging Spooner to leave.
3. Constantine forces Spooner’s past on her by forcing her to have a vision of the night where her life changed. He shows her the night where her mother is killed over not signing over her land, he also shows her that she ran into the forest and the alien mushroom (yes, you read that correctly) saved her and took her to a new time period to save her.
What I Disliked?
1. The Bishop/Constantine story ended up being focused on mushrooms, yes, mushrooms, apparently according to Bishop, humans are yet to discover that mushrooms are aliens… I just don’t know anymore. How can a story still continue to dwindle into the uncharted territory of being insanely bad.
2. I don’t like the way Constantine was wrote in this episode, he was ruthless and magic hungry, he pretty much put a thought into Spooners head to make her stay and ruin the timeline, like, what? And Spooner just goes along with it and pretty much plays the “what if it was your mother” card to Astra. Such bad writing for all characters. apart from Astra in this scene.
3. Another episode, another story ruining the character of Mick Rory, this once badass, brutal, and ruthless criminal, is now talking about his feelings for an alien? While I love the character of Heatwave, this character on the show is not that, he’s been ruined.
4. Bishop, the worst villain in any CW Arrowverse show, manages to not only defeat Sara Lance in a fight but manages to blow up Mick Rory and kill Constantine, one of the most powerful magic users in the DC comics lore, by putting deadly poison into his magic? THIS IS HOW CONSTANTINE DIES?

Favorite Moment
Spooner mentions to her mother that there will be blood if she was to go and speak with the men who want her land, she also tells her that she’s her daughter from a different time after the alien saved her, Astra tries to talk to her mother and Spooner about the consequences that will happen if Spooner does this, Spooner uses her powers to make the man feel the emotions that she once did.
Standout Character
I have to give this to Astra this week simply because well, she was the most level-headed, more mission-focused Legend in the episode.
The Verdict
The episode began really decently, but throughout the episode, the entertainment, characters, and story just dwindled. I don’t know why but it did, the episode didn’t have much action which took away from the episode, but overall, once again the episode was simply ruined because of the villain, Bishop.
Rating: 3/10
Photo: Legends of Tomorrow.
Story - 4
Action - 2
Characters - 3
Entertainment - 3
The episode began really decently, but throughout the episode, the entertainment, characters, and story just dwindled. I don't know why but it did, the episode didn't have much action which took away from the episode, but overall, once again the episode was simply ruined because of the villain, Bishop.