Season 7 Episode 12 – “Evil Gideon continues to try to destroy the legends; trying to help, Gideon negotiates a deal, but she breaks a major rule; the legends come up with another plan that could potentially solve all of their problems.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. 10 minutes into the episode and there is talk about the Legends retiring. While I would love for this to be the case, I don’t see this happening, no matter how much I would like for it to be true, the series is returning.
2. Gideon and Evil Gideon make the Legends actually sign the contracts to retire while the Gideon’s watch over the timeline. I like this, but I know it won’t last.
3. This episode made me think about this “newer” version of Zari, the fashion icon. I’ve never thought about her mentally being able to live up the the previous version of Zari, the one who saved the world and was a hero.
What I Disliked
1. Evil Gideon shows the Legends their futures that they will have if they do indeed retire. While the futures for each Legend is unique and special, none of them are heroes, they just retire and thats it. Like I was expecting them to go back to being heroes but they don’t, quite disappointing.
2. The story and action have been incredibly bad this episode. Like there has been zero action, if this was a great episode, the rating would have been detroyed by the overall action rating on the review. Such a shame.
Favourite Moment
My favorite moment was definitely evil Gideon opening the air door and letting Gary go flying out. I truly dislike the Gary character so much. He’s annoying, cringe, and just stupid.
Standout Character
You know, I struggled with everything this episode. I didn’t see a clear standout so I’ll give this to Zari for actually making me think about her character.
Honestly, As previously mentioned, this episode was a struggle from the very moment I pressed play. I hated the story, it did nothing for me whatsoever, the action was literally none-existent. The action let this rating down massively. A disappointing episode.
Rating 2.2/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 2
Action - 0
Characters - 3
Entertainment - 2
Quality - 4
Honestly, As previously mentioned, this episode was a struggle from the very moment I pressed play. I hated the story, it did nothing for me whatsoever, the action was literally none-existent. The action let this rating down massively. A disappointing episode.