Season 5 Episode 9 “Sara, Constantine and Charlie find themselves in British Columbia for another piece of the Loom; Zari has been having trouble feeling like herself, so she goes on a meditative journey at the suggestion of Behrad.”
What I Liked?
1. charlie’s sister makes her appearance in the 70’s looking for Charlie, she slaughters Charlie’s entire band looking for her. She is such a brutal character and turns out she’s a god!
2. Throughout the Arrowverse history, people have said they’d love to see Jensen Ackles appear as Batman, in this episode of Legends we get to see Supernatural. The Supernatural show is an actual show in the Arrowverse. We get to see the Winchester car they drive on the show.
3. We also come to learn more about Charlie and her sisters. They are all part of “fate”. Charlie starts life, her sister decides on how long people’s lives will be while the other sister is, well she’s death and she enjoyed it.
4. When Charlie retrieves the ring she hid, she ends up with two knives in each of her shoulders and pinned to the tree. This is done by none other than her sister who transformed into Constantine after leaving him bleeding out on the floor.
5. Behrad tries to stop Charlie’s sister from getting the first ring, he picks up the hell sword and tries to stop her but ends up being killed by the sister when she cuts his “fate” line and tells him he’ll stop defying fate now. Sara rushes to stop the sister but the sword doesn’t affect the sister but Charlie ends up chopping her hand off and getting the rings back.
What I Disliked?
1. I wish that Mick would actually get a proper story throughout the season, he’s been wasted so much this season and in this episode was no different, he was pushed to the side to try to fix stuff with his daughter.
2. The whole “Zari” story is annoying. It’s just not interesting and it shouldn’t be the main focus of the season. It honestly drags and is probably the worst thing about this season.

Favorite Moment
Sara and Constantine save Charlie from her sister, Constantine tries to hold the sister back while Sara and Charlie escape but it doesn’t work out well and ends with Constantine bleeding out on the floor.
Standout Character
Obviously Charlie was the standout this week, she had her ups and downs throughout the episode but ultimately saves her team.
The Verdict
Ok, Surprisingly a fairly decent episode. I had no thoughts or excitement going into this episode but that changed with the action and Charlie’s story. The Supernatural stuff was great to see as well. Behrad’s “death” didn’t affect me that much because I haven’t connected with the character.