The live-action Transformers movie have always had mixed thoughts, opinions, and stuff regarding the films, one thing I do tend to see people agreeing on is the CGI. People absolutely love the CGI in the movies and I agree, it’s some of the best, especially the Bayverse side of the movies.
When Bumblebee was first released, the opening scene was set on Cybertron and it debuted the Autobots and Decepticons with their original cartoon looks to them. People loved that and wanted to see more. Rise of the Beasts delivered that and more.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love both of the designs for the Transformers, I love the Bayverse designs and I’ve actually come to really love the classic designs for the newer movies. Although, I do prefer some of the Bayverse designs to the classic ones, for example, Soundwave.
Soundwaves design in the Bayverse movies was absolutely menacing, he honestly felt badass, him and his evil minions. He was a major antagonist in Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon. I much prefer this design to the design we saw briefly in the Bumblebee movie.
Now, one of the major questions I’ve been asking myself as of late is, if and that is a huge IF, they were to make a live-action film and have it based on Cybertron which designs would I want?
Well, while I would love to see the Bayverse designs return for that movie, I hate the way Cybertron was designed. As of late, I’ve been watching the Transformers animated shows on Netflix and I think it would suit a Cybertron movie best if they went with the original designs we see in the Bumblebee and Rise of the Beasts movies.
Honestly, the CGI on the Transformers was amazing, I recently watched a reaction video to the 2007 movie and even the person who reacted to the movie said that for the time, the CGI was actually really fantastic and I agree.
Would you like to see a live-action Cybertron movie?