Season 2 Episode 2 – With the TVA on the verge of a temporal meltdown, Loki & Mobius will stop at nothing to find Sylvie.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. It’s fantastic to witness Loki’s return to full form. Once he regains his powers, he becomes an unstoppable force, as evidenced by his effortless pursuit of X5 in the opening scene. This is the Loki I adore – the one for whom everything comes easily.
2. X5 or now known as Bradley manages to actually get underneath Mobius’ skin. I think he makes a valid point. Mobius knows well what the TVA is and that Mobius was once a person but doesn’t care too much. Bradley really goes in on him about this which was very much needed for the story. It’s nice to see that people are waking up knowing what is going on.
3. Loki’s interpretation of the Battle of New York was hilarious. He mentions how he got angry at his dad and Thor, so went down to Earth and held New York hostage with an alien army, then tried to use the Mind Stone on Tony Stark but it didn’t work so he threw him off a building. It’s just a brilliant way to put it because that’s exactly how it happened. I love the little throwbacks to the movies.
4. Loki back to his sadistic ways as he practically tortures Brad in the little ice cube. It’s an interesting way to do that and effective too. What’s even better is the fact that Mobius was in on the plan Loki had set. It’s just a clever way to get someone to talk. Now we’re onwards to finding Sylvie.
5. Our first full bit of action of the second season begins and it’s brilliant. Sylvie returns to the fold alongside Mobius and Loki. The TVA is planting bombs in each of the branched timelines killing billions in seconds whilst the 3 try to take out the central console. They fight briefly before Sylvie and Loki hold hands and just wipe all of the guards out. A fantastic scene that I wish did go on for just a tiny bit longer.
What I Disliked
Personally not a fan of how they’ve written Sylvie so far. I think after all of the character development in the first season, I expected a much better moment when the two reunited. I am obviously optimistic that she’ll get much better as the season progresses, I just wasn’t a huge fan of this episode.
Favorite Moment
As soon as I saw the McDonald’s logo I got hungry, paused the show, drove to McDonald’s, and got myself a quarter-pounder meal. I guess that’s the favorite moment just purely because I got a McDonald’s out of it?
Standout Character
It has to be the star man of the show himself, Loki. It’s crazy to see how far he’s come since he was taken by the TVA all the way back in season 1. He’s just great.
There’s a lot to talk about in this episode as the story picks up speed and heads full steam into the season. There’s so much to love about this episode, from Loki’s take on New York, Sylvie’s return, and the TVA’s mysterious plans. The inspiration for a McDonald’s was nice as well.
Rating 8.9/10

The Review
Story - 9.5
Action - 7
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 10
There's a lot to talk about in this episode as the story picks up speed and heads full steam into the season. There's so much to love about this episode, from Loki's take on New York, Sylvie's return, and the TVA's mysterious plans. The inspiration for a McDonald's was nice as well.