Season 1 Episode 6 – The clock is ticking in the season finale which finds Loki and Sylvie on a date with destiny.
What I Liked
1. Loki and Sylvie have just been offered everything they always wanted. For Loki to beat the Avengers, to overthrow Asgard, to beat Thanos, basically to rule all, with Sylvie by his side. Sylvie explained what that would be perfect, it’s fiction, it’s not their destiny. This scene intrigued me more than anything because this typically would be something Loki would jump at, no questions asked, but that didn’t seem to be what he wanted.
2. We learn more about how the TVA was actually created by “He Who Remains”. It turns out that there are multiple variants of him, that are pure of evil which is super interesting. The way he explains everything adds a mysterious element to his character.
3. I wasn’t expecting the fight scene to be between Loki and Sylvie, but none the less it was a great scene between the pair, not only that but it came with quite an emotional ending as the pair share a kiss right before she sends him back to the TVA so she can finish her mission.
What I Disliked
Such a slow episode if I’m being totally honest. The entire time we were just listening to them talk. Don’t get me wrong I can appreciate that season 2 has been set up perfectly, but I feel like for a finale this should’ve been stronger. 2. I wish it was more direct about who this villain is, obviously, I think most Marvel fans by this point know who he is, but we can’t even say for definite because it never officially announced it.
Favourite Moment
After Sylvie makes the irrational decision to choose revenge and free the timeline, the repercussions are quickly made known as the timeline branches. The fear from Loki in this scene felt so real and we are already seeing the effects of the new timeline as the TVA has already been taken over. This has set up season 2 perfectly.
Standout Character
This is a difficult one because most of the characters played their roles the same, but in this instance, I’m giving it to Loki. The reason why is because, in this episode above all else, you can tell that he’s changed. He turned down the opportunity to kill Thanos and wield the Infinity Gauntlet, he also refused the throne. He’s grown a lot over the course of the season.
Honestly, this was the worst episode of the season. I’m very disappointed in this as a finale. The entire thing was one big conversation with a brief fight scene 5 minutes before the end. I was bored. Most of what was being discussed we kinda already knew. We expected bigger things considering how big the finales have been for the other Marvel shows. This didn’t feel like a finale, it felt more like a mid-season finale.
Rating 6.5/10

Story - 8
Action - 3
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 5
Honestly, this was the worst episode of the season. I’m very disappointed in this as a finale. The entire thing was one big conversation with a brief fight scene 5 minutes before the end. I was bored. Most of what was being discussed we kinda already knew. We expected bigger things considering how big the finales have been for the other Marvel shows. This didn’t feel like a finale, it felt more like a mid-season finale.