
Loki “Heart of the TVA” Review

Season 2 Episode 4 – The TVA’s Loom nears catastrophic failure but Loki, Mobius and Sylvie have a He Who Remains variant.

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. I’m glad Loki has finally stood up to Sylvie and been brutally honest with her. In fairness, all she’s done this season is complain. Last season she was great and this season it’s just a far cry away from that. I hope this is the turning point for her that we need as I do miss the Sylvie from last season.

2. Sylvie: “Sounds like whatever we do, we’re playing God.”
Loki: “We are Gods”. – Perfect.

3. A very sadistic scene from Renslayer. She goes to the Minutemen to ask for their help after Hunter does the same moments before. The Minutemen decide against joining Renslayer except Bradley who joins her. Miss Minutes then turns on the machine which looks like a giant ice cube that slowly crushes the person(s) inside. Renslayer then watches on without any remorse as all of the Minutemen are slowly crushed. It’s just brutal.

4. I swear this show gets confusing at times. Loki prunes himself? As Loki and Sylvie split, Loki makes his way down as Sylvie takes the elevator. As Sylvie is forcing the doors open, a Loki variant is standing there waiting for her to come through until Loki prunes him. It’s very confusing but it’s so damn intriguing.


5. Now the magic-dampening powers are offline, this gives Loki and Sylvie their powers to use freely within the TVA. This is everything I want to see. Sylvie uses her mind powers to force Bradley into pruning Renslayer as Loki swoops in to save Victor. What a scene this was. Even the darkness of the scene just showed us how brilliant Loki is.

6. A heart-stopping moment when Victor attempts to connect the machine on the outside. As soon as he steps out, his entire body just turns into straw. It’s quite disturbing but it was lovely to see Victor be brave in the end, especially as that was what he wanted. This is truly setting up the season in a huge way as it looks like the TVA is about to implode.

What I Disliked

Nothing to report.

Favorite Moment

Now the magic-dampening powers are offline, this gives Loki and Sylvie their powers to use freely within the TVA. This is everything I want to see. Sylvie uses her mind powers to force Bradley into pruning Renslayer as Loki swoops in to save Victor. What a scene this was. Even the darkness of the scene just showed us how brilliant Loki is.

Standout Character

I’m giving it to Victor. I love how many variants Jonathan Majors has played so far. Loki season 1 finale, the variant in Quantmania, and now Victory Timely. It’s just a skill to be able to play the same character but different and this episode further showcased that. I loved him here and this specific variant.


Loki continues to deliver this season and this episode was simply no different. We got a lot within this episode, more so the way that it ended as things are just heating up with 2 more episodes left to go. I did wish we got to see more of Loki’s magic but I guess I’m still extremely satisfied with how this all played out.


Rating 9.6/10

The Review

Story - 10
Action - 8
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10



Loki continues to deliver this season and this episode was simply no different. We got a lot within this episode, more so the way that it ended as things are just heating up with 2 more episodes left to go. I did wish we got to see more of Loki’s magic but I guess I’m still extremely satisfied with how this all played out.

Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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