Brief Overview
Loki was back for a second season and to no one’s surprise considering how well-received the first season was. The show didn’t take any breaks and continued right from the moment the first season ended.
Tom Hiddleston once again returned to the role of Loki and gave us one of the best performances to date. There’s a lot to unpack in this review and this will contain major spoilers. If you haven’t watched the show yet we’d recommend clicking off the article.
We break down our reviews into sections that we score by and discuss our reasonings for each score, this means we can explain why we gave that rating and our perception of it.
Story – 10/10
An easy 10. The story centered around the events that happen once Sylvie kills the Kang variant; He Who Remains. As a result of Kang perishing, the branches become out of control and the TVA cannot handle the amount of branches created so it begins to crumble. As most of the characters are now aware of what their lives look like normally, they begin to find a way so the TVA can handle the branches and keep everybody alive.
It was beautifully executed. I was gripped by the story from the beginning. By having this story go the way it has, it’s effectively set up major sections of the MCU moving forward. We know the TVA survives and we know the Kang variants are coming. This is setting up the Avengers: Kang Dynasty film coming in 2026 and it’s because of these events as to why that’s going to happen.
He Who Remains mentioned that if Loki allows the branches then war would come. This is exactly what’s going to happen. This is the point I’m trying to make, the season itself had a wonderful story but it’s also been one of the few MCU projects that could set something huge up for the MCU. Loki’s show did just that. It’s similar to how Thor: Ragnarok was able to set up into Infinity War, just slower than that obviously was.
Action – 4/10
Giving action a score of 4 out of 10 is very generous in my opinion. There was such a lack of it during this season. We rarely even got to see Loki use his powers. I know he gains further power with the ability to control the time slipping but in terms of the standard Loki powers, we didn’t get nearly enough as I’d hoped.
The action sequences were largely a letdown and again, just not enough of it. We did get some action sequences during the season but they didn’t create an impact. The prime example of this is when they managed to turn off the power dampeners within the TVA, you expect this ultimate showdown between Renslayer and Loki and we got Sylvie to use her power very briefly, I expected more. I can’t shy away from that fact either.
Characters – 10/10
I genuinely feel like I could be here all day discussing the characters so I will try to keep it brief. All of the main characters from the first season returned with a couple of new characters such as Ouroboros and Victory Timely. Everyone did their roles well and it played into the story in such a perfect way.
Loki himself is now an MCU treasure. He perhaps was before but it’s more prevalent than ever now. We’ve seen some of the best character development the MCU has offered so far. We’ve seen him go from a caring brother to attempting to destroy New York, helping Thor, backstabbing him and everything. I know this is 2012 Loki but the story would’ve played out the same regardless.
We’ve seen it go full circle. He wanted the throne and he got on, even more so by becoming the God of Stories. He became the hero. He became the savior of not just the world, but the entire universe. It’s emotional when you look at it. If you just watched Loki’s story from the beginning, you start to realize how perfect it actually is.
Other characters were great. Ouroboros was a great addition. I feel like Sylvie could’ve offered just that bit more but she was amazing yet again. I’m happy with the route they took with each character, even more so Loki ensured that all of his friends got the choice to live the lives they wanted and that’s a beautiful thought.
For more information on the full cast list, you can visit IMDb by clicking here.

Entertainment – 9/10
I have always found the TVA intriguing even from the first season and it continues in this season for me. I was always excited for the next episode and that’s what matters the most when it comes to a show. The Disney+ MCU shows have been hit and miss over the last year and a bit so this was a welcomed addition to the roster, more so for a second season. I loved this season and there’s no debating that, I just wish we got to see Loki being Loki more, especially with the powers.
Episodes – 9/10
The reason I dropped this to a 9 is because of episode 5. I’ll delve into this a bit later in the review under “worst episode” but this is what dropped this for me. It felt like a waste of time and just flipped the story back on itself. I think because there were only 6 episodes, it felt like to me it was just a huge hole within the episodes. Besides that, the lengths of the episodes were fine and I don’t mind episodic releases.
We usually rate the antagonist out of 10 but there wasn’t really an antagonist per se as it was all about stopping the TVA from crumbling. If we were to rate this it would be very low due to that fact so we’ve decided to leave the rating out to keep the overall review and scoring sections fair.
Quality – 10/10
The acting was perfect and the CGI was perfect. No complaints. This does go to show though that Marvel CAN do it well. We’ve had some Marvel disasters recently within the CGI department, more notably from She-Hulk and Love and Thunder but this was done well.
It goes to show that putting the effort in brings that immersion alongside it. There’s nothing worse than when the CGI is awful as it pulls that immersion away. Loki got it spot on and I hope this is a sign that things will continue this way moving forward.

Favorite Episode
For me, it has to be the finale by a country mile. Everything from this season came full circle to the end. Seeing Loki finally not just become the God he always wanted to be, but a hero as well was an emotional way to end his story.
Worst Episode
It’s episode 5’s Science/Fiction. This episode felt like a waste of time and did even more so when you watch the finale. The entire episode consists of Loki trying to save his friends. It is this episode he begins to control the time slipping but then he went back to the moments before this episode anyway. It ultimately felt like a huge waste of time and that’s why it’s here. I still enjoyed the episode nonetheless but it was definitely the weakest in the season.
Episodes & Their Ratings
Episode 1: Ouroboros – 8.6/10
Episode 2: Breaking Brad – 8.9/10
Episode 3: 1893 – 8.8/10
Episode 4: Heart of the TVA – 9.6/10
Episode 5: Science/Fiction – 5/10
Episode 6: Glorious Purpose – 10/10
Average rating – 8.5/10
Our Overall Rating 8.7/10
Scoring the show an 8.7 overall is fair. Despite the fact it was a fantastic season there were some letdowns such as Loki not having the moment with Thor and a lack of action. However, this does not take away from the fact the second season was great. I enjoyed every second of it, I guess I’m just being selfish in wanting more from it.
Does It Deserve Another Season?
In terms of the question it definitely does but I want to add to it, does it NEED another season? No. The way Loki has ended sets up doors that it could end there or go for another season. That’s how well executed they’ve done the show. I like to think despite Tom Hiddleston’s comments we will see Loki again in the Kang Dynasty. I still believe Loki needs THAT moment with Thor before Loki can finally retire.
Loki’s season 2 is exclusively available on Disney+.
Season Trailer
The Review
Story - 10
Action - 4
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Episodes - 9
Quality - 10
Scoring the show an 8.7 overall is fair. Despite the fact it was a fantastic season there were some letdowns such as Loki not having the moment with Thor and a lack of action. However, this does not take away from the fact the second season was great. I enjoyed every second of it, I guess I'm just being selfish in wanting more from it.