Season 1 Episode 4 – Frayed nerves and paranoia infiltrate the TVA as Mobius and Hunter B-15 search for Loki and Sylvie.
What I Liked
1. Getting a look into Sylvie’s past is pretty brutal. Opening scenes show us her as a child in Asgard being arrested by the TVA. I fully understand her anger now, she was a child, taken from her home, her family, and then arrested. I can’t even imagine the pain and anger I’d feel.
2. “We may lose, sometimes painfully, but we don’t die.” Very powerful scene given by Tom Hiddleston here!
3. Although this was something quite small I do think it had some importance. Loki tried to tell Mobius the TVA was lying to him, yet he didn’t believe him. The problem with Loki is he’s always told not to lie and to stop scheming but when he does nobody believes him? So what’s the point in trying to do better? I know that’s how I’d see it if I were in that position, and it kinda makes more sense as to why Loki doesn’t even waste his breath half the time.
4. I just have to appreciate the irony that Loki has literally caught feelings for basically himself. Brilliant.
5. My heart just broke as I watched Sylvie show Hunter B-15 her life before the TVA. As Sylvie puts her enchantment on her, she says “I looked happy” and honestly I felt how much that hurt her.
6. As Loki and Sylvie face the Timekeepers ready to face their punishment, a not-so-happy Hunter B-15 arrives and sets them free from their restraints. The fight that follows is incredible and very well played out by every character.
7. So much is happening in this episode I can’t even keep up. So many unexpected turns I can’t look away from the screen! The Timekeepers are not real and appear to be robotics being controlled by something/someone else. We didn’t really have any time to process this information as Ravonna ‘prunes’ Loki.
8. A very brief end credits scene but sooo important nonetheless. It appears the four standing before us are all Loki’s, including the Alligator? Original Loki, Boastful Loki, Kid Loki, and Reptile Loki. I feel it was pretty hard to ignore that one of these Loki’s was actually the “worthy” one, rather than Thor, and I don’t know why, but I felt it necessary to acknowledge that in this article.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
What a brutal scene after Mobius goes back for Loki after discovering the truth about who he is! Mobius knows he is a variant and knows what is happening is wrong. This is a great turning point for the series. After returning from the portal Mobius wastes no time in confronting Ravonna, this is very quickly proved to be a mistake as she ‘prunes’ Mobius. I think the hardest part of this scene was more the look on Loki’s face as he lost another friend.
Standout Character
Gonna shake it up a bit week and give the standout to Sylvie. She played such a vital role in this episode. After learning about her past we see her expose the truth to Hunter B-15, fight against the Timekeepers, and in the end, is the one to get the upper hand against Ravonna.
An absolutely incredible episode this week! So much happened, so many unexpected things. Compared to the beginning of the episode the story has already advanced so drastically and I’m very excited to see what happens next week!
Rating 10/10

Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
An absolutely incredible episode this week! So much happened, so many unexpected things. Compared to the beginning of the episode the story has already advanced so drastically and I’m very excited to see what happens next week!