X-Men, still grieving over the death of Phoenix (Jean Grey), are investigating a case of a missing mutant girl in Northern Japan. This leads them to a mysterious virus that turns mutants into monsters. U-Men and the Inner Circle want it.
Bit of a different review format today, as this is a full series review, for the “What I Liked” and “What I disliked”, I’ll give you points from both, mixed together.
What I Liked?
1. Straight off the rip, the first episode throws us into a major story arc… The Dark Phoenix. We get to see the X-Men try to help Jean by stopping her from becoming the Dark Phoenix but in the end, she dies. This messed with Scott badly, you can see this throughout the season.
2. In Episode 2, Professor X gets contacted to try to find a missing mutant girl in Northern Japan. The team of X-Men reunites, after getting Scott away from Jean’s grave. They head to Northern Japan where they are attacked by the “U-Men”.
3. In Episode 3, the X-Men find a lab where the missing mutant girl is, she’s in a pod surrounded by other pods with people in them, one of these people is Emma Frost, who has been framed for the death of Jean, Wolverine wants to straight-up kill her.
4. In Episode 5, Hisako has been brought to the X-Mansion to train and learn to control her powers. Professor X quickly promotes her to a “junior X-Man” and even brings Emma Frost onto the team. Cyclops holds nothing back and forces Hisako into a training room where he pushes her power out of her.
5. In episode 6, The U-Men returns with an upgraded mech, The X-Men quickly jump into the battle but get their own powers used against them, Wolverine gets hit with magnets which heat up, pretty much the X-Men get destroyed until Beast destroys the mech’s power source.
6. In Episode 7, It is revealed that a doctor who used to run a mutant school in Japan, knows Professor X, quite well in fact. She speaks to Professor X over a video call and it’s revealed that they had a son and she didn’t tell Professor X.
7. in Episode 9, we get to see the “berserker” side of Wolverine, he gets mind-controlled to try to kill the X-Men. This was the first time I’ve seen berserker Wolverine in anyways and oh my god was it perfect.
8. In Episode 11, Berserker Wolverine once again makes an appearance this time, not after the X-Men but after the mutants in the inner circle group. He also plays a joke on Beast which is not always Wolverine’s style.
9 In episode 12, We get a good scene with Professor X, he speaks to everyone on Earth to help each other, humans and mutants alike. We get to see some cameos from other heroes like Colossus, Rogue, Captain Britain, Deadpool, and Iron Man.

What I Disliked?
1. For the most part, the design of the X-Men squad was amazing, Although I did have issues with how Beast looked. I just couldn’t stop picturing one of the wolf characters from Dragon Ball Z.
2. The villain of the series was bland, boring, and just bad. I had zero interest in him at all. So bad.
3. Episodes 8 and 10 were pretty boring, found myself, on my phone or scrolling through the internet at times in these episodes, disappointing but not the end of the world.
Favorite Moments
1. Wolverine, Cyclops, and Beast take out a squadron of U-Men robots while protecting a weak and injured Storm, and Emma Frost and Hisako. This was a great scene.
2. Episode 4 delivered a huge scene for me, as we got to see a team-up of Hisako, Cyclops, and Wolverine while Emma Frost learned to become diamond-like.
Standout Characters?
Cyclops was my main standout character, he had the most character development but I have to say that Wolverine was a joy to watch.
The Verdict
I didn’t know what to expect when diving into this series. I only found out about it a few days ago when scrolling through Netflix. The show was good, nothing spectacular but it was decent and had its great moments but sometimes fell a little bit flat. The animation style was perfect and fit the X-Men perfectly. The design of the X-Men was also insanely great, Especially Wolverine.
Rating: 8.3/10
Story - 6.5
Action - 9
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 8.5
I didn't know what to expect when diving into this series. I only found out about it a few days ago when scrolling through Netflix. The show was good, nothing spectacular but it was decent and had its great moments but sometimes fell a little bit flat. The animation style was perfect and fit the X-Men perfectly. The design of the X-Men was also insanely great, Especially Wolverine.