With the set-up for the Young Avengers seemingly being built up over the course of the last few years, it feels as though we’ve never heard many updates on this project. In my honest opinion, I forgot it was even going to be a thing.
Now, according to the Scooper DanielRPK, there have been some updates in regard to this project for the future of the Young Avengers. Firstly, always take this stuff with a grain of salt.
What is being reported is that the Yong Avengers will be retitled as “Champions” due to some of the actors no longer being “young”.

Secondly, Marvel is making the decision to shoot this project as a series instead of a movie and honestly, this will work so much better for this group of heroes.
The reason for it being switched into a series is that The Marvels underperformed at the box office so Marvel is making the step to turn this into a series. Honestly, this is the better move as we can get a few seasons out of this.
Now the reaction to the name change itself online has mixed opinions. Some like the name switch and some dislike it by saying “Leave the name, they are still quite young compared to the OG Avengers”.
For me, I’m glad they are making the switch to a series. It gives more time to flesh these characters out and deliver a great story and hopefully, be one of the better Marvel shows. It has the potential to be great and I truly hope it is as this can lead to many different possibilities.
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