Right from the get-go, Bosslogic posted what seemingly was controversial among the Batman fans. You can see said picture here;
![Image result for bosslogic robert pattinson batman](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D6uxJFBUwAUaFTj.jpg)
Bosslogic released the photo on the 3rd of February 2019, before eventually being cast in May. Of course, due to Twilight, it caused outrage.
Everyone here at Comic Universe were behind this from that photo, and once the cast was made, we were ecstatic.
Robert is an exceptionally talented actor, and if you look past the Twilight franchise you will see that. He will make a great Batman, and deserves the chance to show us that. We think he will do great.
Fast forward almost a year with very little news, Matt Reeve’s decided to do one better, and give us the camera test footage. Donning a stunning suit, and not to mention, Robert looks perfect in the cowl.
In fact, I will do YOU one better. He’s the footage;
You can’t tell me this doesn’t look amazing?! This test footage changed the minds of a lot of people judging by comments, and it’s no surprise.
He is officially our Batman after all, and Matt will deliver a great movie. I really think people need to hold off judgement, for now and give this a chance.
People slept on the Joker, and it just won an Oscar. If any actor can deliver a great performance, it is Robert. Even Robert hates the Twilight movies, so it’s time to let them go.