Season 1 Episode 5 – “Marc & Steven search through their memories to find their truth or become left behind.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Mark and Steven both realize they are actually dead. Mark walks out of a door and sees a ship sailing through the sands of the afterlife to take them to paradise so they can rest in peace. This whole scene was amazing and visually stunning.
2. Mark and Steven come across a “cafe with a load of dead bodies”. This is revealed to be everyone that Mark has killed because they needed to be punished. Steven and Mark see a kid who runs away and Steven runs after and sees his mother, and his brother, which Steven didn’t know.
3. I love the fact that we are getting backstory within each memory that the two go into. It’s all truly fascinating to witness. Mark shows Steven what happened to him when he was a mercenary raiding a tomb. How badly he was injured, he was about to shoot himself in the head when he hears a voice, it was Khonshu.
4. The reveal that Steven is someone Mark created while his mother was beating him when his life was hell, was truly unexpected. I did not even imagine thinking that this would happen. The character development in this reveal was absolutely perfect.
5. Steven and Mark’s souls do not get balanced in time, so the souls of the unbalanced come to take their souls, after a brief fight, Mark looks to be dragged overboard but Steven saves him and ends up falling onto the sand which claims his soul leaving Marks soul balanced.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was definitely seeing the origin of Moon Knight, the origin of Mark saying “yes” to Khonshu to become his vengeance. What an incredible scene. Oscar Isaac is such a great actor, it’s unbelievable how great he is.
Standout Character
Mark. This was a huge episode for him, his backstory, memories, and his attachment to Steven. Both the characters were great in this episode, but I’ll go with Mark for the standout. I have to mention the phenomenal performance by Oscar Isaac as well.
From a performance stance, this episode was phenomenal. The performance by Oscar Isaac was insanely fantastic. The backstory we got to see was nothing short of greatness. It opens the world of Mark which is a fantastic thing to get to see.
Rating: 9.4/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 7
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
From a performance stance, this episode was phenomenal. The performance by Oscar Isaac was insanely fantastic. The backstory we got to see was nothing short of greatness. It opens the world of Mark which is a fantastic thing to get to see.