Season 1 Episode 1 – Kamala Khan attends Avengercon only to discover that she herself might have superpowers.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I absolutely loved Ms. Marvel’s recap of the Thanos battle, adding onto Blinding Lights just got me intrigued pretty quickly. I like the fact the writers ensured her super fan personality is still there with the Avengers and Captain Marvel.
2. As if one of the opening scenes was her crashing her car on her driving test. The entire reaction and scene are hilarious. Well played.
3. I love when Kamala’s parents allow her to go to Avenger Con, they put stipulations into the idea of going, which included her father, even making them Hulk suits to match. I am divided on this scene. I liked it because it was funny but I didn’t like it because it was somewhat predictable. I’ll leave it on the likes due to the fact I nearly cried when the father stormed in and looked like that.
4. The throwback to Captain America’s theatre song was great. It’s so catchy you recognize it so quickly. I liked the fact this Avengers Con has literally thought of nearly everything.
What I Disliked
1. I’ll be honest, I’m not a fan of the parents. It’s been roughly 25 minutes into the episode and they’ve just annoyed me thus far. I preferred the game when Kamala and her dad were super close. In this, they just don’t care a lot which is different considering my main experience with Ms. Marvel is from the Avengers game. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of comic knowledge of the character, I’ll be honest.
2. I will fully stand by that changing her powers is not a good move at all. I understand her powers are almost identical to Mr. Fantastic so they want to change it up, I still think this is a bad move. Relying on a bracelet for cosmic powers just isn’t interesting, she was better beforehand. I’ll roll with it but I prefer the original. Maybe that bracelet is connected to Shang-Chi’s rings, if that’s the case then it’ll make better sense but so far, nah.
Favourite Moment
Despite the fact I’m not a fan of the new powers for Ms. Marvel, the scene where she saves the other girl in the Captain Marvel cosplay was pretty decent. I am happy to see the stretch powers are there which adds a bit to the original character, I am pretty excited to see where they do go from there and how long it takes for her to adjust to her power.
Standout Character
It is Kamala as the episode was obviously center focused on her, which is fine. Iman Vellani looks amazing as Ms. Marvel and adds a lot to the character, including the personality, traits, attitude, and more. I think Marvel has another winner on their hands when it comes to their casting choice.
Perhaps one of the weaker debuts for Marvel on Disney+ thus far but it definitely had its moments. I am concerned about the powers but as mentioned, I’m willing to roll with it and see if future episodes can change my mind. Overall, it set the season up well and I am excited to go forward from here.
Rating 7.2/10

The Review
Story - 8
Action - 3
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 7
Quality - 10
Perhaps one of the weaker debuts for Marvel on Disney+ thus far but it definitely had its moments. I am concerned about the powers but as mentioned, I'm willing to roll with it and see if future episodes can change my mind. Overall, it set the season up well and I am excited to go forward from here.