Let's TalkShows

My Main Issue With The Ms. Marvel Trailer

Ms. Marvel is a show that I have been excited about for quite some time now. Even during the teasers we got for the show I couldn’t wait, I still believe they have the actress perfectly cast with Imani Vellani.

So, what did I think was wrong with it? It’s the premise of the powers, mainly. I am absolutely thrown back that they have decided to go down a cosmic route instead of giving us a proper traditional Ms. Marvel show.

It’s taken so much away from the character that has so much hope and gets her powers in a traditional way that makes her appreciate it so much more.

What annoys me so much more in the trailer we barely got to see her stretch powers until a small clip near the very end. The vast majority of clips we saw were the cosmic powers.

Ms. Marvel – Disney+

Now, obviously, you could say to me that why should Marvel follow the comics route? You’re right, to an extent. One thing I disagree with is completely changing up the way her powers work and were made. It doesn’t bode well for the fans of the Ms. Marvel comic books.

They have the character side nailed down, don’t get me wrong. The actual Kamala side is perfect, I love the nerdy side to the character, wearing the Avengers shirts, etc. It just looks great, but I can understand why people are pissed at what they’ve seen.


Usually, I don’t agree with how the community reacts at times (I don’t mind the Grand Inquisitor look) but on this occasion, I am with the community on the backlash.

I’ve gone from being really hyped for the show to feeling very meh about it all. Don’t get me wrong, this is JUST my issue with the TRAILER. I am not speaking about the entire project before you jump on me. I will watch the show and I will absolutely give it a chance as I do with every single show and movie I watch. I don’t judge an entire show or movie based on a 2-minute clip.

However, I did want to express my disappointment with what I did see in that 2-minute clip. I really hope the cosmic powers are just a front into Ms. Marvel getting her own powers instead of pondering to Captain Marvel as it really isn’t needed. Ms. Marvel has enough pull power now to hold her own show, maybe even a movie.

Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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