Season 1 Episode 4 – Naomi discovers more about her past, but she must come to terms with all the secrets that have been kept from her; Naomi finds the courage to confront Zumbado; Annabelle, Anthony and Jacob push Naomi to campaign for class president.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. When Naomi comes back to school we learn that the current class president is changing all the vending machines to healthy alternatives and no off-campus lunches. I get this personally. As I’m based in the UK, I remember when Jamie Oliver caused all of the schools to change the menus. Turkey Twizzlers, cheeseburgers, then I came back after the summer holidays to pasta pots. So, I get this and I get the aggression from the students.
2. Another glimpse of Naomi’s powers again, something we should be getting more of but this time we get her super-strength. As she’s training with Dee she’s practicing on a punching bag. She loses her cool for a split second, she then punches the bag which flies against the wall and cracks it. Also quite a touching scene afterwards between her and Dee.
3. Naomi’s confidence seems to be growing which is a positive move for the show. She confronts Zumbado and demands the disc. I think the way Zumbado reacted, also the fact he just gave her the disc I don’t believe he’s truly a “villainous” character.
4. Dee is invited over to the McDuffie household for dinner. I absolutely love the way that Greg tries to drive for information yet Dee just makes him look ridiculous with his comebacks. You can sense how uncomfortable it was for Dee but I like the way he handled it.
5. We learn now that Naomi is from Earth-29. Upon checking this, this is the same earth Bizarro is from. Could this lead into The CW’s Superman & Lois? I hope it does as they have either set it up unknowingly or it’s just a coincidence considering Bizarro is the current villain on Superman & Lois.
6. A nice moment for Naomi at the end. She receives quite a touching speech from Dee which results in her going to see Nathan. They share a kiss and I am happy to see Naomi’s character progress a lot further this episode.
What I Disliked
1. Right away we’re at the flashbacks to Naomi’s parents. The way they “meet” is cringe and it’s lazy writing. They both just turn around, bump into each other, then stare at each other? As if.
2. Did we really get a chase where the woman is in heels? And Naomi can’t catch her on a damn skateboard? Christ.
Favourite Moment
The unknown man hunting around Zumbado’s dealership turns out to be from Earth-29 also, and he’s looking to take Naomi home. As he finally catches up to Naomi, she’s frightened and unsure of what to do so she runs out onto the school field. Dee shows up out of absolutely nowhere and we FINALLY get our first fight of the season. Dee looked fantastic and won in the end, it’s about damn time!
Standout Character
Dee again this week. He was outstanding, especially when he shows up to protect Naomi on the field. Not to mention he just generally feels like a really good guy. The way he helps Naomi in any way he can show a lot of compassion. Dee is my standout of the season so far, not just this episode.
A MUCH BETTER episode. It’s still not perfect but after this, it’s on a path I’m finally enjoying. We got our first action moment, a lot of the questions we had were answered albeit if a number of them still haven’t. It’s set the show up perfectly and I am now excited to see where they take it, even more so with Earth-29.
Rating 8.5/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 8
Action - 7
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 8.5
Quality - 9
A MUCH BETTER episode. It's still not perfect but after this, it's on a path I'm finally enjoying. We got our first action moment, a lot of the questions we had were answered albeit if a number of them still haven't. It's set the show up perfectly and I am now excited to see where they take it, even more so with Earth-29.