Season 1 Episode 10 – In the aftermath of Naomi discovering who Greg and Jen really are and that they’ve been lying about it her entire life, Naomi sets out on her own to dig deeper for the truth only to discover how many people have been keeping secrets from her.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Finally, we’ve gotten a bit more of an insight as to why all these people are after Naomi. She has located something called the Transmatter cube which allows interdimensional travel and appears to be wanted by many.
2. Zumbado just made such a great point, you can’t expect to keep Brutus a secret to “protect” Naomi, because what’s she then going to do when he turns up and she can’t do anything at all to defend herself? I get as a parent you want to protect your child, but the least they could’ve done is told her when she found out she had powers.
The story is now finally getting interesting, we know we are getting towards the end of the season now, and Brutus and his team are coming for Naomi. I’m so looking forward to seeing them all team up together, and seeing Naomi’s full capabilities which we still haven’t seen yet!
What I Disliked
Lourdes is so toxic, honestly, I don’t see the point in her character at all. But seriously telling someone you don’t want to be their friend if they can’t give you something more is toxic. She knows Naomi is in a relationship, and Naomi has in no way insinuated that she is interested. If she didn’t like that then she should’ve walked away, not threatened her, and told her she should be left on her own. This character has been done very poorly and honestly, I can’t see my view on that changing anytime soon.
Favourite Moment
Mac turns up at the club for Naomi and tells her Brutus sends his regards. After the pair go outside I will give Naomi the dues she handled herself well against Mac, but Zumbado and Akira turning up was just the icing on top of the cake for me, they certainly meant business and Mac knew it.
Standout Character
Naomi is going to take the standout this week, her story is getting a lot more interesting and while the other characters did good, they didn’t quite stand out as much this week.
It was an alright episode this week! Still a lot of room for improvement but better than some episodes we have seen so far at least. Plus the story is finally getting interesting.
Rating 7.2/10
Promo For Next Episode

The Review
Story - 8
Action - 4
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 7
Quality - 9
It was an alright episode this week! Still a lot of room for improvement but better than some episodes we have seen so far at least. Plus the story is finally getting interesting.